
Phase spacing

  1. One-particle phase space
  2. Three and more particles
  3. MC Integration: Sampling
  4. Smarter sampling methods


    Using well-adapted phase space mappings may be not enough in order to achieve quick convergence of the Monte-Carlo integration. For this purpose, improved sampling methods may be paramount. There are two pretty general ways to improve the sampling, which are quite orthogonal to each other.
    Both, however, base on the same observation: When a sampling procedure is divided such that different independent samplings contribute to the overall result, the overall variance is minimised when it is "spread" equally over all individual contributions. To rephrase this: The overall variance and hence the error is minimised when the variances of the individual contributions is equal. The reason for this is simple, it is due to the fact that the variance is constructed from quadratic contributions.
    The two ways to use this fact can be scetched as follows:

  5. Selection according to a distribution: Unweighting
  6. Unweighting: Hit-or-miss
  7. Problems