
Phase spacing

  1. One- and two-particle phase space
  2. Three and more particles
  3. MC Integration: Sampling


    In the previous sections, higher dimensional phase space integrals for processes with n outgoing particles have been evaluated analytically. However, in so doing, the effect of amplitudes squared has been totally neglected (implicitly it was set to 1, to phrase it differently). In practical applications, this function of the four-momenta of course has to be included into the integration, rendering it a difficult task. In fact, in many practical cases, especially if n becomes larger than three or if non-trivial cuts on the phase space have to be taken into account, an analytical solution for the integral is impossible and numerical methods have to be applied. Due to the high dimensionality of the phase space standard textbook methods such as simple quadratures become prohibitively time consuming and different methods suitable for high-dimensional integration have to be devised. One of these methods is called Monte-Carlo integration. The basic idea here is the following:
    Take a statistically significant sample of the function, by evaluating it at a large number of points. The average of this sample provides an estimator <I> of the function. Writing the phase space volume as an n-dimensional hypercube with dimension 1, this amounts to replacing
    where the various R denote n-dimensional vectors of uniformly distributed random numbers in [0,1]. It should be clear at this point that any integration of a function g(q) over the variable q in some interval [a,b] can be mapped onto an integration of a function f(x) over a variable x in [0,1]. In such a case, however, the function f contains g with q expressed through x and a corresponding Jacobian. This obviously also holds true for vectors q and x. To exemplify this, consider the two-body phase space integral
    where clearly the substitution
    has been performed.


    In principle, in the limit of N going to infinity the estimated value <I> of the integral should approach its true value I. This limit, however, can not be reached in practise. Therefore, it is a priori not clear, how good the estimate describes reality. In fact, during numerical integration, i.e. during the sampling, <I> will in all practical cases fluctuate.
    Sometimes, these fluctuations will be severe oscillations with large factors between estimators taken after different numbers N of sampling points. This is especially true, if the integrand (the function) itself is a wildly fluctuating function, spanning orders of magnitude, maybe, to make things even worse, with extremely sharp peaks. Such peaks can clearly be missed quite easily for a long time while sampling, in the very moment one or more of them contribute to the result, the corresponding estimator will change accordingly. Examples for such fluctuating function that occur frequently in the evaluation of cross sections are connected to "propagator terms" and have the form
    where s is some invariant mass to be integrated over. This will be better understood once Feynman diagram techniques have been discussed. Anyways, it is obvious that, when integrating over s, the former of the two functions above diverges for s→ 0 and the latter has a Breit-Wigner-like peak for s→ M². In such cases, depending on available phase space, a sampling over s may for quite some time be quite stable, because the peak has been missed; in the two dangerous limits, however, the sum over the different sampling points may easily explode.
    Now it is time to employ a measure from statistics to judge the size of the fluctuations relative to the average, namely the variance. In so doing, some implicit assumptions have been made: first of all, it is assumed that the sample, i.e. N, is large enough to render statistical methods a valid way; second, the sampling points have been taken independently from each other. Then the variance is a good way to estimate the error range of the estimator. To employ this concept in such Monte-Carlo integrations, therefore not only the function has to be sampled but also its square. The variance Δf is then given as
    Its square root equals one standard deviation, denoted by σ,
    Both quantities, variance and standard deviation, are a measure for the size of the fluctuations around the median value. In particular, in Monte-Carlo integrations, the standard deviation is commonly identified as the estimator for the error of the estimator of the integral. Phrased in other words: it is common to assume that the true value I of an integral is in the range of <I>±σ.
    From this it is apparent why for large dimensions the Monte Carlo integration technique is superior to quadratures: The error scales like the inverse squareroot of N, a much better behaviour for the error estimator than what could be gained with quadratures.
    This behaviour is exemplified in a test integration.
    The reasoning above implies that for a Monte-Carlo integrations the name of the game is to minimise σ as quickly as possible in order to achieve a reliable estimate for the true value of the integral. It is obvious that for wildly fluctuating functions this may be a real problem, solutions in such cases are sometimes far from being trivial.


  4. Smarter sampling methods
  5. Selection according to a distribution: Unweighting
  6. Unweighting: Hit-or-miss
  7. Problems