1. Interaction of charged particles with matter
  2. Interaction of neutral particles with matter
  3. A typical detector
  4. Problems
    1. Recapitulate the elementary processes which lead to interactions of the following particles inside detector materials:
      a) Muons
      b) Electrons/Positrons
      c) Photons
      d) Pions
      e) Neutrons
      f) KL
    2. Why are the bremsstrahlung cross section and the pair-production cross section proportional to Z2α3?
      How does the Compton scattering cross section depend on α and why?
    3. Determine the energy deposition in an electromagnetic calorimeter for electrons and pions with initial energies of 1 GeV by using the program identification1 (download Libs.tar.gz and Exes.tar.gz).

      The detector 'simulated' (better parameterized) by 'identification1' contains a 'tracking device', an electromagnetic calorimeter consisting of 30 cm CsI crystals, a hadronic calorimeter consisting of 30 cm Uranium and a muon chamber filled with Argon.
      The material properties of these simplified detector elements can be found at PDG homepage, under Reviews, Tables, Plots : Atomic and nuclear properties of ma terials.

      Select electrons with a selection efficiency of 95 percent. What is then the probability for pions being misidentified as electrons ('error of the second kind')?

      Under the assumption that the number of pions in the experiment is five times larger than the number of electrons: what is the probability that particles with measured energies above 0.9 GeV in the electromagnetic calorimeter is an electron (pion)?