Phase Transitions


First Order Phase Transitions

The phase transition in the Ising model that we have considered so far has been of the second order. It is now time to address the concept of a first order phase transition. These are very common in nature, such as the freezing of water. In the Ising model that we have been investigating a first order phase change can be achieved through the introduction of an external magnetic field. The Monte Carlo method can once more be implemented here, with a slight alteration to include the energy that will be gained or lost through a flip, due to the applied field.
The difference between first order and second order phase transitions is that there are large fluctuations before a second order phase change, which act as a 'warning' that unusual behaviour is about to occur. However, first order phase changes occur abruptly, and do not have any prior fluctuations.

Now that there is the extra included variable of the external field, H, there is a larger phase diagram to explore. Initially we will choose a low temperature, T=1.0, at which we know the spins show good alignment, even without the presence of the external magnetic field. In this case, the external field will not significantly increase the alignment, but serve to direct the orientation of the magnetic field, M, of the system. The field energy will tend to align the spins with H. Therefore, as H changes from being negative to positive, the sign of the field, M, will also change abruptly. We will therefore look at the behaviour of the magnetic field at the area around H=0. This is a discontinuous change and a sign of a first order phase transition.
An example of how this occurs at varying temperature for a 10 × 10 lattice is shown below

Ising model MC, magnetisation versus external field for a 10 × 10 lattice

By the symmetry of the situation, it would be expected that the change occurs at H=0. However, while the changes occur at around H=0, there is occasionally a hysteresis connected with the transition. This causes the change to occur at a point slightly displaced from H=0, and can be seen above. This hysteresis occurs due to a metastable state where M < 0 with H > 0 that occurs at small values of H.
Here are some hysteresis curves for low temeratures

Ising model MC, magnetisation versus applied field for a 10 × 10 field

This shows the hysteresis loops that cause the discontinuities for first order phase changes to occur at values of H other than H=0. As the temperature increases, the metastable states become less prominent and the hysteresis curve becomes narrower.

At temperatures above Tc, the spontaneous alignment of the spins disappears. Therefore, the strength and direction of the magnetic field determines the direction of the magnetisation and the strength of alignment of the spins. This creates a smoother transition at small values of H, and therefore there is no discontinuity or hysteresis. This is the point where first order phase transitions no longer occur.

The discontinuity in the first order phase change is twice the spontaneous magnetistaion that occurs without the external field. This spontaneous field disappears at Tc. This implies that the first order phase transition as a function of H is closely related to the second order phase transition as a function of T.

Phase Diagrams

A common example of a first order phase change is the freezing of water into ice, or the evaporation of water. This idea can, of course be extended to any substance that has the ability to change between three phases via a first order phase change. We will now compare two phase diagrams, one of a substance with three phases, solid, liquid and gas, and one of the phase change we have been considering in the Ising model.

phase diagrams for Ising model and water-ice

In both of these phase diagrams it can be seen that it is possible to move from one state to another by moving around the critical point, where the difference between two phases vanishes. After this point it is no longer possible for the system to undergo a first order phase change.


Frank Krauss and Daniel Maitre
Last modified: Tue Oct 3 14:43:58 BST 2017