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Advanced Statistical Techniques
in Particle Physics

Grey College, Durham
18 - 22 March 2002


Conference Introduction. ps  pdf L.Lyons
Overview of Principles of Statistics. ps  pdf F.James
Presentation of Search Results - the CL_s Technique. ps  pdf A.L.Read
Difficulties in Limit Setting and the Strong Confidence Approach. ps  pdf G.Punzi
Statistics Issues for the Mini-BooNE Experiment. ps  pdf B.P.Roe and M.Woodroofe
Confidence Limits and their Robustness. ps  pdf R.Raja
Bias-Corrected Confidence Intervals for Rare Searches. ps  pdf W.A.Rolke and A.M.L\'{o}pez
The Power of Confidence Intervals. ps  pdf C.Giunti and M Laveder
Credibility of Confidence Intervals. ps  pdf D.Karlen
Coverage of Confidence Intervals for Poisson Statistics in Presence of Systematic Uncertainties. ps  pdf J.Conrad, O.Botner, A.Hallgreen and los Heros
Signal Significance in Particle Physics. ps  pdf P.K.Sinervo
Uncertainties and Discovery Potential in Planned Experiments. ps  pdf S.Bityukov and N.Krasnikov
Statistical Issues in Dark Matter Selection. ps  pdf D.R.Tovey and N.J.T.Smith
Multivariate Methods: A Unified Perspective. ps  pdf H.B.Prosper
Multidimensional Event Classification in Images from Gamma-Ray Air Showers. ps  pdf R.K.Bock and W.Wittek
Kernel Probability Density Estimation Methods. ps  pdf S.Towers
Benefits of Minimizing the Number of Discriminators Used in a Multivariate Analysis. ps  pdf S.Towers
Support Vector Machines in Analysis of Top Quark Production. ps  pdf A.Vaiciulis
Application of Neural Networks Optimized by Genetic Algorithms to Higgs Boson Search. ps  pdf F.Hakl, M.Hlavacek and R.Kalous
Measurement of Physical Quantities in the Bayesian Framework using Neural Networks. ps  pdf M.Wolter
Systematic Errors: Facts and Fictions. ps  pdf R.Barlow
Baysian Treatments of Systematic Uncertainties. ps  pdf L.Demortier
An Application of the Strong Confidence to the CHOOZ Experiment with Frequentist Inclusion of Systematics. ps  pdf D.Nicolo nd G.Signorelli
Using Some ``Prior'' when there is no Prior. ps  pdf G.Kahrimanis
The Relation of Goodness of Fit to Confidence Intervals. ps  pdf F.James
Comparison of Different Goodness-of-Fit Tests. ps  pdf B.Aslan and G.Zech
Evaluating Quality of Fit in Unbinned Maximum Likelihood Fitting. ps  pdf K.Kinoshita
Detecting unknown systematic effects: Diagnosis of a Bad Fit to Multiple Data Sets. ps  pdf M.J.Wang
Uncertainties in parton related quantities. ps  pdf R.S.Thorne
Uncertainties on Parton Distribution Functions from the ZEUS NLO QCD Fit to Data on Deep Inelastic Scattering. ps  pdf A.M.Cooper-Sarkar
Questions on Uncertainties in Parton Distributions. ps  pdf R.S.Thorne, H B\"ottcher,A.M.Cooper-Sarkar, B.Reisert, V.Shekelyan, W.J.Stirling, D.R.Stump and A.Vogt
Practicalities of Combining Analyses: W Physics Results at LEP ps  pdf C.Parkes
Statistical Practice at the BELLE Experiment, and Some Questions. ps  pdf B.Yabsley
How to Include the Information from the $B^0_s$-$\bar{B^0_s}$ Oscillation Frequency in the CKM fits. ps  pdf F.Parodi, P.Roudeau, A.Stocchi and A.Villa
Application of Bayes' Theorem to Muon Track Reconstruction in AMANDA. ps  pdf T.DeYoung and G.C.Hill
Advanced Statistical Techniques in Muon G-2 Experiment at BNL. ps  pdf S.I.Redin
A Survey of Unfolding Methods for Particle Physics. ps  pdf G.Cowan
An Unfolding Method for High Energy Physics Experiments. ps  pdf V.Blobel
A New Method for the High-Precision Alignment of Track Detectors. ps  pdf V.Blobel and C.Kleinwort
Blind Analysis. ps  pdf P.F.Harrison
Monte Carlo Unifying Frequentist and Bayesian interference. ps  pdf N.Kjaer
Comments on a Paper by Garzelli and Giunti. ps  pdf F.James
Answers to Fred James' paper "Comments on a Paper by Garzelli and Giunti". ps  pdf C.Giunti
Why be a Bayesian? ps  pdf M.Goldstein
Conference Summary Talk. ps  pdf R.Cousins
A Glossary of Selected Statistiscal Terms. ps  pdf H.B.Prosper, J.T.Linneman and W.A.Rolke
Acknowledgements. ps  pdf
List of Participants. ps  pdf
Conference Photograph. ps  pdf