Invisibles School 10th-15th July 2013

This school preceeds the second thematic workshop organized in the context of the FP7 funded INVISIBLES ITN, which focuses on Neutrino and Dark Matter phenomenology and their connection, and more in general on physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The school will focus more on dark matter this year and will be hosted at the Institude of Particle Physics Phenomonology (IPPP) at Durham University.

*IMPORTANT* For any information regarding fee payment please go HERE

A preliminary agenda of the school can now viewed here or may be downloaded: schedule.pdf

Lecture Topics will Include:
Introduction to cosmology: 3 hours
Dark matter theory -- Graciela Gelmini (UCLA) ~3 hours
Neutrino physics: 2 hours
Direct dark matter detection --Jodi Cooley-Sekula (Southern Methodist U.)~2 hours
Indirect dark matter detection -- Ivone F.M. Albuquerque (Sao Paulo U.) ~ 2 hours
Dark Matter simulations -- Adrian Jenkins (Durham) ~2 hours
LHC Physics: 2 hours
Statistical and data analysis-- Glen Cowan (Royal Holloway) ~ 2 hours

The school will also contain a series of tutorials and workshops to introduce participants to direct research in the fields.

Ogden Centre

IPPP at Ogden Centre,Durham University

  • Registration Now Open
  • Registration closes: 15 May 2013
  • Information regarding payment found HERE
Large Scale Structure of DM

This years focus is on Dark Matter