Grid Proxy

As discussed on the certificates page, the proxy certificate is a short lived unencrypted version of your grid certificate. For Pheno users, the maximum length of time a standard grid proxy can last is 24 hours. As many jobs can take longer than this, there are a number of approaches to help solve this issue.

1. ArcRenew

The arcrenew command can be used to send an updated proxy to the CE for all jobs. This needs to be run once per CE. You must renew your certificate before running this to maximise the time available for running. For example:

arcrenew -c -a

Both running and queuing jobs will have their proxy updated and will be able to run for a further 24 hours (or however long is left on your proxy). The downside to this approach is the requirement to manually run arcproxy and arcsync once per 24 hours, as grid certificates are required to be stored with a password.

2. MyProxy

The MyProxy service allows you to delegate the permission to create a grid proxy on demand for up to a week. This can be then combined with the above approach of job renewal.

First delegate permission to the myproxy service,this must be done manually once every 7 days. A passphrase must be set which you will provide in a future command.

myproxy-init -d -a

You can then retrieve a new proxy on demand for 7 days with the following command:

echo passphrase | myproxy-get-delegation -d -m pheno --stdin_pass

As you will note you need to provide the passphrase in plain text to the command, your passphrase should be something different than the one you use for your grid certificate