If you use the HPTTopTagger, please reference- Tagging highly boosted top quarks
S. Schaetzel and M. Spannowsky
Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014)
arxiv: 1308.0540 - Tracking New Physics at the LHC and beyond
M.Spannowsky and M.Stoll
Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015)
arxiv: 1505.01921
Repository and example code how to use the HPTTopTagger
The HPTTopTagger algorithm reconstructs hadronically decaying top quarks and is specifically designed for high top quark transverse momentum (>1TeV) where calorimeter granularity prevents the separate detection of the individual decay products.
The HPTTopTagger uses tracks of charged particles (or a combination between E-cal and tracks) inside a fat jet. The tracking information is complemented by the calorimeter measurement (Hcal + Ecal + tracks) of the fat jet energy to eliminate the sensitivity to jet-to-jet fluctuations in the charged-to-neutral particle ratio. The algorithm is based on FastJet jets and their respective cluster sequences.
An example how to use the code is in included in the source file.