
S-matrix and cross sections (simplified)

  1. S-matrix and transition amplitudes
  2. Definition of cross section
  3. Connection to S-matrix
  4. Cross section, luminosity, and event rate


    As discussed above, the cross section is a measure for the probability of a process to happen. It is entirely specified by the reaction under consideration. The natural question thus arises, on how this probability translates into visible scatterings. Clearly, this question is related to the incoming beams, their densities, mutual orientation and so forth, in short: to the experimental setup. The experimentally interesting quantity is the rate - frequency - with which events occur. Therefore, let's try to construct a quantity, which connects the cross section σ and the resulting event rate R,
    This quantity L is known as the luminosity, it has units of m-2s-1, i.e. 1/(area time). From the defintion of the cross section the transition (event) rate is connected with the cross section through the number of scatterers in the target and the incident flux,


    Consider, once more, the following, classical situation, commonly known as fixed target experiment: A target consisting of particles of type B is at rest, and is hit by a beam consisting of particles of type A moving with velocity v w.r.t. the target. Then, in the lab frame (the frame of the target), the flux Φ is given by
    where n is the density of particles in the beam, which uniformly covers an area of S orthogonal to the velocity. Per unit area this beam hits the N particles of the target, where
    and where again n is the density of particles in the target, which has a thickness l. This is scetched in the figure below.
    Thus, the luminosity is given by
    It clearly has the dimension of m-2s-1.


    The other classical situation is that of a collider experiment, where two beams hit each other, eventually under an angle θ, see the following scetch.
    To simplify the reasoning, let's assume that both beams have the same flux Φ, and that, also, both beams have rectangular shape with side length h. Let's take the beam with particle type B as the target. This does not change anything for the flux of beam A. The only thing to be doen is to reconstruct the particle area density N in the beam B that is hit by A. From the density
    N, the density per area, can be calculated as
    Therefore, the luminosity reads
    Note the typical behaviour 1/sinθ and 1/h, the characteristic scale of the beam in ortohgonal direction.

  5. Width and life-time
  6. Problems