mH = 125 GeV sqrt(s) = 13.6 TeV use LUXqed17_plus_PDF4LHC15_nnlo_100 for the photon contribution only, and to use PDF4LHC21_40 for the partons. Mt = 172.5 GeV, Mw = 80.379 GeV, Mz = 91.1876 GeV Gw = 2.085 GeV, Gz = 2.4952 GeV Gmu = 1.16638 × 10^-5 GeV^-2 (not provided from HXSWG) Gmu scheme -> provide value of alpha=sqrt(2)/pi*Gmu*Mw^2*(1-mw^2/mz^2) alpha_Gf = 0.75652103079904E-02 for complex-mass scheme with Recola convention (same as Les Houches report [1803.07977]) Scale: MH/2 * sqrt[ (MH/2)**2 + ptH**2 ] (eq.2 of 1506.02660)