Cuts: Jets are defined with anti-kt and R=0.4. Photon are recombined with anti-kT with R=0.4. 1) Setup 1 (STXS, see 1906.02754) Higgs: |y_H| <2.5 Jets: anti-kT with R=0.4 and pTj > 30 GeV STXS +DeltaPhiJJ splitting (0-pi/2 + pi/2-pi) within the mJJ x pTH binning of STXS 2) Setup 2 (fiducial) |pseudorapidity_j| < 4.7 mjj > 300 |delta y jj| > 2 a) pTj > 20 GeV b) pTj > 30 GeV Mjj vs pTH: ([300 - 1.1TeV[+[1.1TeV,\infty]) x ([0,850[ +[850,\infty[) Mjj: 200 GeV bin until 1.1TeV + [1.1TeV,\infty] pTH: 0-80-120-260-500-850-infty Mjj vs Delta Phi jj: ([300 - 1.1TeV[+[1.1TeV,\infty]) x [0,+pi], with steps of 200 GeV in Mjj and pi/4 in DeltaPhijj Mjj: 200 GeV bin until 1.1TeV + [1.1TeV,\infty] Delta Phi jj: 0-pi/4-pi/2-3/4 pi-pi NB: double check that the distribution is actually symmetric!!! Mjj vs Delta y jj: ([300 - 1.1TeV[+[1.1TeV,\infty]) x (0, 2.0,9.0] with steps of 200 GeV in Mjj and XXX in delta yjj. Mjj: 200 GeV bin until 1.1TeV + [1.1TeV,\infty] Delta y jj: 2-4-5-6-7-infty pTH vs Delta y jj:[0,850,\infty) x (0, 2.0,9.0] with steps of XX GeV for pTH and XXX in delta yjj, pTH: 0-80-120-260-500-850-infty Delta y jj: 2-4-5-6-7-infty ----------- Extra distribution for PS simulations. pTH vs Njets: pTH: 0-80-120-260-500-850-infty Njets: 2, 3, 4, 5 pTHjj single differential bins of 20 GeV [0-1TeV]+[1TeV-infty[