subroutine init_couplings implicit none include 'PhysPars.h' include 'pwhg_st.h' include 'pwhg_math.h' include 'nlegborn.h' include 'pwhg_flst.h' include 'pwhg_kn.h' include "pwhg_physpar.h" real * 8 masswindow real * 8 powheginput external powheginput real *8 g2, gfermi cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cccccc INDEPENDENT QUANTITIES cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ph_Hmass = powheginput("#hmass") ph_Hwidth = powheginput("#hwidth") ph_topmass = 172.4 c if one of two parameters is missing, use the default ones if (( then c ph_Hmass = 100d0 c ph_Hwidth = 0.0033d0 ph_Hmass = 125d0 ph_Hwidth = 4.14d-03 c ph_Hmass = 150d0 c ph_Hwidth = 0.0182d0 c ph_Hmass = 300d0 c ph_Hwidth = 8.4086d0 c ph_Hmass = 400d0 c ph_Hwidth = 29.42d0 c ph_Hmass = 300d0 c ph_Hwidth = 8.445d0 c ph_Hmass = 600d0 c ph_Hwidth = 122.6d0 c ph_Hmass = 800d0 c ph_Hwidth = 265.d0 endif write(*,*) '**************************************' write(*,*) '**************************************' write(*,*) 'Higgs boson mass = ',ph_Hmass write(*,*) 'Higgs boson width = ',ph_Hwidth write(*,*) '**************************************' write(*,*) '**************************************' ph_Zmass = 91.1876d0 ph_Zwidth = 2.4952d0 ph_Wmass = 80.379d0 ph_Wwidth = 2.085d0 c ph_alphaem = 1d0/128.930d0 c ph_sthw2 = 0.2312d0 ph_sthw2 = 1.-(ph_Wmass/ph_Zmass)**2 c number of light flavors st_nlight = 5 ph_CKM(1,1)=0.9748 ph_CKM(1,2)=0.2225 ph_CKM(1,3)=0.0036 ph_CKM(2,1)=0.2225 ph_CKM(2,2)=0.9740 ph_CKM(2,3)=0.041 ph_CKM(3,1)=0.009 ph_CKM(3,2)=0.0405 ph_CKM(3,3)=0.9992 c initialize CKM with flavor indexes call inizialize_ph_CKM_matrix cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cccccc DEPENDENT QUANTITIES cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ph_sthw = sqrt(ph_sthw2) ph_cthw = sqrt(1-ph_sthw2) ph_Zmass2 = ph_Zmass**2 ph_Wmass2 = ph_Wmass**2 ph_Hmass2 = ph_Hmass**2 ph_ZmZw = ph_Zmass * ph_Zwidth ph_WmWw = ph_Wmass * ph_Wwidth ph_HmHw = ph_Hmass * ph_Hwidth gfermi = 1.16638d-5 g2 = SQRT(8.d0*GFERMI/SQRT(2.d0))*ph_Zmass*ph_cthw ph_alphaem = g2**2*ph_sthw2/(4.d0*PI) c set mass windows around the resonance peak c It is used in the generation of the Born phase space masswindow = 30 c ph_Zmass2low=(ph_Zmass-masswindow*ph_Zwidth)**2 c ph_Zmass2high=(ph_Zmass+masswindow*ph_Zwidth)**2 ph_Hmass2low=max(0d0,ph_Hmass-masswindow*ph_Hwidth) ph_Hmass2low=ph_Hmass2low**2 ph_Hmass2high=(ph_Hmass+masswindow*ph_Hwidth)**2 c ph_Hmass2low=0d0 c ph_Hmass2high=kn_sbeams/4 ph_unit_e = sqrt(4*pi*ph_alphaem) c Set here lepton and quark masses for momentum reshuffle in the LHE event file physpar_ml(1) = 0.51099891d-3 physpar_ml(2) = 0.1056583668d0 physpar_ml(3) = 1.77684d0 physpar_mq(1) = 0.33d0 ! down physpar_mq(2) = 0.33d0 ! up physpar_mq(3) = 0.50d0 ! strange physpar_mq(4) = 1.50d0 ! charm physpar_mq(5) = 4.5d0 ! bottom end subroutine inizialize_ph_CKM_matrix implicit none include 'PhysPars.h' integer i,j do i=1,6 do j=1,6 ph_CKM_matrix(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo ph_CKM_matrix(1,2) = ph_CKM(1,1) ph_CKM_matrix(1,4) = ph_CKM(2,1) ph_CKM_matrix(1,6) = ph_CKM(3,1) ph_CKM_matrix(2,3) = ph_CKM(1,2) ph_CKM_matrix(2,5) = ph_CKM(1,3) ph_CKM_matrix(3,4) = ph_CKM(2,2) ph_CKM_matrix(3,6) = ph_CKM(3,2) ph_CKM_matrix(4,5) = ph_CKM(2,3) ph_CKM_matrix(5,6) = ph_CKM(3,3) do i=1,6 do j=i+1,6 ph_CKM_matrix(j,i) = ph_CKM_matrix(i,j) enddo enddo end