subroutine born_phsp(xborn) implicit none include 'nlegborn.h' include 'pwhg_flst.h' include 'pwhg_kn.h' include 'pwhg_math.h' include 'PhysPars.h' real * 8 xborn(ndiminteg-3) real * 8 m2,xjac,taumin,tau,y,beta,betaCM,vec(3),cth,s, # z,zhigh,zlow,m integer mu,k,j logical ini data ini/.true./ save ini real * 8 Vmass2,Vmass2low,Vmass2high,VmVw real * 8 m2jj,pV(0:3),pVmod,pVmod2,pJ(0:3,2),cthj,phij,pcmjj(0:3), # pcmjjmod,ptmp(0:3,2) real * 8 mass external mass logical check parameter(check=.false.) logical BW parameter (BW=.false.) real * 8 epsilon parameter (epsilon=1d-10) real * 8 pt1cut,pt2cut,pt1,pt2,m2jjmin real * 8 BW_fixed,BW_running logical higgsfixedwidth save higgsfixedwidth real * 8 powheginput external powheginput logical complexpole save complexpole real * 8 weight integer BWflag if(ini) then c set initial- and final-state masses for Born and real do k=1,nlegborn kn_masses(k)=0 enddo kn_masses(nlegreal)=0 higgsfixedwidth=powheginput("#higgsfixedwidth").gt.0 complexpole=powheginput("#complexpolescheme").gt.0 if (complexpole) then if (higgsfixedwidth) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) '*******************************************' write(*,*) 'The higgsfixedwidth and complexpolescheme '// $ 'flags are both set to true.' write(*,*) 'The two flags are incompatible.' write(*,*) 'The POWHEG BOX exits.' write(*,*) '*******************************************' call exit(1) endif write(*,*) '*******************************************' write(*,*) '*******************************************' write(*,*) '**** COMPLEX-POLE SCHEME ****' write(*,*) '**** Passarino et al ****' write(*,*) '*******************************************' write(*,*) '*******************************************' endif ini=.false. pt1cut = 0d0 pt2cut = 0d0 c m2jjmin = 0.1d0**2 m2jjmin = 0d0 if (( then write(*,*) '*************************************' write(*,*) '**** CUTS IN PLACE!!! ****' write(*,*) '*************************************' endif endif Vmass2 = ph_Hmass2 Vmass2low = ph_Hmass2low Vmass2high = ph_Hmass2high VmVw = ph_HmHw if (BW) then zlow=atan((Vmass2low - Vmass2)/VmVw) zhigh=atan((min(Vmass2high,kn_sbeams) - Vmass2)/VmVw) z=zlow+(zhigh-zlow)*xborn(1) xjac=zhigh-zlow m2=VmVw*tan(z)+Vmass2 c The BW integrates to Pi ==> divide by Pi xjac=xjac/pi if(.not.higgsfixedwidth.and..not.complexpole) then c running width BW_fixed=ph_HmHw/((m2-ph_Hmass2)**2 + ph_HmHw**2) BW_running= (m2*ph_Hwidth/ph_Hmass) / $ ((m2-ph_Hmass2)**2+(m2*ph_Hwidth/ph_Hmass)**2) xjac = xjac * BW_running/BW_fixed endif if (complexpole) then m=sqrt(m2) BWflag=0 call pwhg_cpHTO_reweight(ph_Hmass,ph_Hwidth,ph_topmass, $ BWflag,m,weight) xjac = xjac * weight endif else xjac = 1 m2 = Vmass2 endif kn_masses(3)=sqrt(m2) c d x1 d x2 = d tau d y; taumin=m2/kn_sbeams tau=exp(log(taumin)*(1-xborn(2)**2)) xjac=xjac*tau*abs(log(taumin))*2*xborn(2) s=kn_sbeams*tau kn_sborn=s c ymax=|log(tau)|/2 y=-(1-2*xborn(3))*log(tau)/2 xjac=-xjac*log(tau) c generate dijet squared mass m2jj m2jj = xborn(4)*(sqrt(s)-sqrt(m2))**2 xjac = xjac * (sqrt(s)-sqrt(m2))**2 pV(0)=(s+m2-m2jj)/(2*sqrt(s)) pVmod2 = pV(0)**2-m2 if ( then pVmod = 0d0 c write(*,*) '============================>',pVmod2 else pVmod = sqrt(pVmod2) endif z=1-2*xborn(5) xjac=xjac*2 cth=1.5d0*(z-z**3/3) xjac=xjac*1.5d0*(1-z**2) pV(1) = pVmod*sqrt(1-cth**2) pV(2) = 0d0 pV(3) = pVmod*cth c supply 2 pi for azimuthal integration (not performed) xjac=xjac*2*pi c supply the other factors to the jacobian c factor for the two-body jet phase space xjac=xjac/(8*(2*pi)**2) c factor for V production xjac=xjac/(4*(2*pi)**3)*pVmod/sqrt(s) c Build kinematics kn_xb1=sqrt(tau)*exp(y) kn_xb2=tau/kn_xb1 c boost back in the lab frame c now boost everything along 3rd axis betaCM=(kn_xb1-kn_xb2)/(kn_xb1+kn_xb2) vec(1)=0 vec(2)=0 vec(3)=1 call mboost(1,vec,betaCM,pV,kn_pborn(0,3)) c build jet momenta in the jet CM frame pJ(0,1) = sqrt(m2jj)/2 pJ(0,2) = pJ(0,1) c azimuth and polar angle of a jet z=1-2*xborn(6)**2 xjac=xjac*4*xborn(6) cthj=1.5d0*(z-z**3/3) xjac=xjac*1.5d0*(1-z**2) phij = 2*pi*xborn(7) xjac=xjac*2*pi kn_jacborn = xjac pJ(1,1) = pJ(0,1)*sqrt(1-cthj**2)*sin(phij) pJ(2,1) = pJ(0,1)*sqrt(1-cthj**2)*cos(phij) pJ(3,1) = pJ(0,1)*cthj do mu=1,3 pJ(mu,2)=-pJ(mu,1) enddo do mu=0,3 kn_pborn(mu,1)=kn_xb1*kn_beams(mu,1) kn_pborn(mu,2)=kn_xb2*kn_beams(mu,2) enddo if (check) then call mboost(2,vec,-betaCM,kn_pborn(0,1),ptmp(0,1)) write(*,*) 'CM vec1',(ptmp(mu,1),mu=0,3) write(*,*) 'CM vec2',(ptmp(mu,2),mu=0,3) endif c boost in the lab frame c compute first p_plus+p_minus-pV do mu=0,3 pcmjj(mu)= kn_pborn(mu,1) + kn_pborn(mu,2) - kn_pborn(mu,3) enddo pcmjjmod = sqrt(pcmjj(1)**2+pcmjj(2)**2+pcmjj(3)**2) c recompute pcmjj(0) from m2jj, otherwise there are points where c beta > 1 or beta < 0 pcmjj(0) = sqrt(m2jj+pcmjjmod**2) c write(*,*) '1 ===========> ',(pcmjj(0)**2-pcmjjmod**2)/m2jj beta=pcmjjmod/pcmjj(0) do mu=1,3 vec(mu)=pcmjj(mu)/pcmjjmod enddo call mboost(2,vec,beta,pJ(0,1),kn_pborn(0,4)) c CUTS!!!!!!!! pt1 = sqrt(kn_pborn(1,4)**2+kn_pborn(2,4)**2) pt2 = sqrt(kn_pborn(1,5)**2+kn_pborn(2,5)**2) if (( then kn_jacborn=0d0 endif if (check) then call mboost(1,vec,-beta,pcmjj(0),ptmp(0,1)) write(*,*) 'only time component ==> ',(ptmp(mu,1),mu=0,3) write(*,*) '' write(*,*) 'new set' do j=1,nlegborn write(*,*) 'mom ',j,(kn_pborn(mu,j),mu=0,3) write(*,*) 'mass ',j,mass(kn_pborn(0,j)) enddo call checkmomzero(nlegborn,kn_pborn) endif c boost in the CM frame vec(1)=0 vec(2)=0 vec(3)=1 call mboost(nlegborn,vec,-betaCM,kn_pborn(0,1),kn_cmpborn(0,1)) if (check) then write(*,*) '' write(*,*) 'new set' do j=1,nlegborn write(*,*) 'mom ',j,(kn_cmpborn(mu,j),mu=0,3) enddo endif kn_minmass=sqrt(Vmass2low) end function mass(p) implicit none real * 8 p(0:3),mass mass = sqrt(abs(p(0)**2-p(1)**2-p(2)**2-p(3)**2)) end subroutine born_suppression(fact) implicit none include 'nlegborn.h' include 'pwhg_flst.h' include 'pwhg_kn.h' logical ini data ini/.true./ real * 8 fact,pt2,pt2supp,powheginput,pt save ini,pt2supp,pt c CAVEAT!!! process dependent subroutine if (ini) then pt = powheginput("#ptsupp") ini = .false. pt2supp = pt**2 endif if ( then fact=1d0 else pt2=kn_pborn(1,5)**2+kn_pborn(2,5)**2 fact=pt2/(pt2+pt2supp) c if ( then c fact = 1d0 c else c fact = 0d0 c endif endif end subroutine set_fac_ren_scales(muf,mur) implicit none include 'PhysPars.h' include 'nlegborn.h' include 'pwhg_flst.h' include 'pwhg_flg.h' include 'pwhg_kn.h' include 'pwhg_st.h' real * 8 muf,mur logical ini data ini/.true./ save ini real * 8 pv1(0:3),pv2(0:3),q1sq,q2sq,aveq real * 8 dotp external dotp logical dynamical parameter (dynamical=.false.) real * 8 pwhg_alphas external pwhg_alphas real * 8 pTH2 muf=ph_Wmass mur=ph_Wmass if ((flg_btildepart.eq.'b').or.(flg_btildepart.eq.'c')) then pTH2 = kn_cmpborn(1,3)**2+kn_cmpborn(2,3)**2 else pTH2 = kn_cmpreal(1,3)**2+kn_cmpreal(2,3)**2 endif muf = sqrt(ph_Hmass*0.5*sqrt( (ph_Hmass*0.5)**2 + pTH2)) mur = muf return if (ini) then write(*,*) '**********************************' write(*,*) 'RENORMALIZATION SCALE = ',mur write(*,*) 'FACTORIZATION SCALE = ',muf write(*,*) '**********************************' ini=.false. endif if (dynamical) then pV1(:) = kn_cmpborn(:,4) - kn_cmpborn(:,1) pV2(:) = kn_cmpborn(:,5) - kn_cmpborn(:,2) q1sq = -dotp(pV1,pV1) q2sq = -dotp(pV2,pV2) q1sq = max(0.4d0,q1sq) q2sq = max(0.4d0,q2sq) aveq = st_lambda5MSB*exp(0.5d0*sqrt( $ log(q1sq/st_lambda5MSB**2)* $ log(q2sq/st_lambda5MSB**2))) c write(*,*) pwhg_alphas(q1sq,st_lambda5MSB,st_nlight)* c $ pwhg_alphas(q2sq,st_lambda5MSB,st_nlight)/ c $ pwhg_alphas(aveq**2,st_lambda5MSB,st_nlight)**2 muf=aveq mur=aveq endif end