!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USER PARAMETERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! numevts 100000 ! number of events to be generated ih1 1 ! hadron 1 (1 for protons, -1 for antiprotons) ih2 1 ! hadron 2 (1 for protons, -1 for antiprotons) ebeam1 6800d0 ! energy of beam 1 ebeam2 6800d0 ! energy of beam 2 lhans1 93100 ! pdf set for hadron 1 (LHA numbering) lhans2 93100 ! pdf set for hadron 2 (LHA numbering) ! Parameters to allow or not the use of stored data use-old-grid 1 ! if 1 use old grid if file pwggrids.dat is present (<> 1 regenerate) use-old-ubound 1 ! if 1 use norm of upper bounding function stored in pwgubound.dat, if present; <> 1 regenerate ncall1 500000 ! number of calls for initializing the integration grid itmx1 2 ! number of iterations for initializing the integration grid ncall2 2000000 ! number of calls for computing the integral and finding upper bounding envelope itmx2 3 ! number of iterations for computing the integral and finding upper bouding envelope foldcsi 1 ! number of folds on csi integration foldy 1 ! number of folds on y integration foldphi 1 ! number of folds on phi integration nubound 20000 ! number of calls to set up the upper bounding norms for radiation withnegweights 1 ! (default 0) if 1, use negative weights xupbound 2d0 ! increase upper bound for radiation generation #renscfact 1d0 ! (default 1d0) ren scale factor: muren = muref * renscfact #facscfact 1d0 ! (default 1d0) fac scale factor: mufact = muref * facscfact #ptsupp 0d0 ! (default 0d0) mass param for Born suppression factor (generation cut) If < 0 suppfact = 1 #bornonly 1 ! (default 0) if 1 do Born only withdamp 1 ! (default 0, do not use) use Born-zero damping factor testplots 1 ! (default 0, do not) do NLO and PWHG distributions #iseed 5437 ! Start the random number generator with seed iseed #rand1 0 ! skipping rand2*100000000+rand1 numbers. #rand2 0 ! (see RM48 short writeup in CERNLIB) manyseeds 1 ! Used to perform multiple runs with different random ! seeds in the same directory. ! If set to 1, the program asks for an integer j. ! The file pwgseeds.dat at line j is read, and the ! integer at line j is used to initialize the random ! sequence for the generation of the events. ! The event file is called pwgevents-'j'.lhe renscfact 1.0d0 ! (default 1d0) ren scale factor: muren = muref * renscfact facscfact 1.0d0 ! (default 1d0) fac scale factor: mufact = muref * facscfact #higgsbreitwigner 0 ! 0: Narrow width, 1: Breit Wigner for Higgs #higgsmasswindow 30 ! How many widths we integrate around the Breit Wigner peak. hmass 125d0 ! Higgs boson mass hwidth 4.14d-03 ! Higgs boson width #higgsfixedwidth 1 ! if 1, use old behaviour with fixed width Breit-Wigner ! default is running width hdecaymode -1 ! -1 no decay ! 0 all decay channels open ! 1-6 d dbar, u ubar,..., t tbar ! 7-9 e+ e-, mu+ mu-, tau+ tau- ! 10 W+W- ! 11 ZZ ! 12 gamma gamma runningscales 1 ! default 0 (no running scales); 0: MH, 1: scale of 1506.02660 ! 2: Q1 on upper and Q2 on lower line (slow) xgriditeration 1 ! identifier for grid generation parallelstage 1 ! identifier for the stage. Stage 1 generates grids. Stage 2 is ! the main stage which produces differential distributions. fakevirt 0 ! Useful for generating stage 1 grids faster phspcuts 1 ! (1:on ; 0: off (default)) Turns on/off analysis ! cuts at the phasespace generation stage. ! Significantly reduces run time. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUTS USED FOR ANALYSIS and PHASE SPACE: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ptalljetmin 20d0 ! Minimum pt for all jets yjetmax 4.7d0 ! rapidity acceptance for jets Rsep_jjmin 0.4d0 ! R to be used in jet algorithm ptjetmin 20d0 ! Minimum pt for two tagging jets mjjmin 300d0 ! Minimum invariant mass of dijet system deltay_jjmin 0d0 ! rapidity separation between tagging jets jet_opphem 0 ! 1: require the tagging jets in opposite detector hemispheres. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END USER PARAMETERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ckm_offdiag 0 ! (default 0): if 1, use non-diag CKM matrix at event generation level #channel_type 0 ! For debug only. #qq_exclude 0 ! 1: Exclude pure quark channels for real diagrams alphas_from_pdf 1 ! Use LHAPDF to get alphas bornonly 1 LOevents 1 btlscalect 1 btlscalereal 1