Wanted NLO+PS generators: 1. VBF_H in POWHEG-BOX-V2, showered with [powheg event generation by Silvia Ferrario] 1.1 PYTHIA8, dipole shower [shower by Christian Preuss] 1.2 PYTHIA8, vincia shower [shower by Christian Preuss] 1.1 HERWIG7, angular-ordered shower [shower by Silvia Ferrario] 1.1 HERWIG7, dipole shower [shower by Silvia Ferrario] [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 2. EW HJJ in POWHEG-BOX-RES, showered with [powheg event generation by Silvia Ferrario] 2.1 PYTHIA8, dipole shower [shower by Christian Preuss] 2.2 PYTHIA8, vincia shower [shower by Christian Preuss] 2.1 HERWIG7, angular-ordered shower [shower by Silvia Ferrario] 2.1 HERWIG7, dipole shower [shower by Silvia Ferrario] [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 3. VBF_H in MG5, showered with HERWIG7 AO, [Marco Zaro] 4. Standalone Herwig7 VBFH runs, with VBFNLO matrix elements [input cards by Silvia Ferrario, runs by Yacine Haddad] 4.1 POWHEG + angular-ordered shower [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 4.2 POWHEG + dipole shower [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 4.3 MC@NLO + angular-ordered shower [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 4.4 MC@NLO + dipole shower 5. Standalone Herwig7 EW HJJ runs, with HJETS matrix elements [input cards by Silvia Ferrario, runs by Yacine Haddad] 5.1 POWHEG + angular-ordered shower [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 5.2 POWHEG + dipole shower [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 5.3 MC@NLO + angular-ordered shower [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 5.4 MC@NLO + dipole shower 6. Standalone Sherpa VBFH runs with MC@NLO matching and: 6.1 default shower 6.2 dire shower [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] 7. Standalone Sherpa HJJ EW runs with MC@NLO matching and: 7.1 default shower 7.2 dire shower [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]