% UT Physics bibliographic style, ver. 2.2. Based on: % %X IEEE Transactions bibliography style (29-Jan-88 version) %X numeric labels, order-of-reference, IEEE abbreviations, %X quotes around article titles, commas separate all fields %X except after book titles and before "notes". Otherwise, %X much like the "plain" family, from which this is adapted. %X %X History %X 9/30/85 (HWT) Original version, by Howard Trickey. %X 1/29/88 (OP&HWT) Updated for BibTeX version 0.99a, Oren Patashnik; %X THIS `ieeetr' VERSION DOES NOT WORK WITH BIBTEX 0.98i. % % Modifications: 1) added hypertex support and "archive", "eprint" % and "url" fields. % 2) parentheses around dates, and no "pp." for article entries % 3) "publisher, address" instead of "address: publisher" % 4) added "report" field for article entries. % 5) particle physics-oriented abbreviations, rather than ieee. % 6) added "collaboration" field, as per % Jonathan Flynn' suggestion. SPIRES now supports this field. % 7) Improved output of Proceedings entries % % Modified by Jacques Distler, 4/08 % History: ver 1.0 9/96 % ver 1.1 10/96 - added "collaboration" field % ver 1.2 7/97 - added a "\providecommand{\href}[2]{#2}" % to handle case where \href is not defined % ver 1.3 12/97 - fixed lousy-looking proceedings output. % ver 1.4 1/98 - fixed format.number, address in % proceedings entries % ver 1.5 3/99 - added (nonprinting) CITATION field for % SLAC internal use % ver 1.6 4/99 - Fix to ensure %%CITATION output not broken % across lines. Added new.sentence to ensure % previous output properly terminated. % (Moral: test before you release.) % ver 1.7 10/99 - "et.~al." should be "et al." Morons! % ver 1.8 11/99 - Changed the Web URL to the more portable % arxiv.org. The "archive" field functions as % a true base-URL. This is NOT A % BACKWARDS-COMPATIBLE change! % ver 1.8a 12/99 - MACROs for arXiv and cogprints % BaseURL's defined. % ver 1.9 6/05 - eprint support for other entry types % ver 2.0 4/08 - support "new-style" eprint identifiers % ver 2.1 4/08 - support for "url" field % ver 2.2 4/08 - support for "doi" field % % HyperTeX Wizardry: % % The following are equivalent: % archive = arXiv % eprint = "hep-th/9605023" % and % eprint = "hep-th/9605023" % both produce % % \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/9605023}{{\tt hep-th/9605023}} % % in the bibliographic output at the appropriate point. More generally, % if the archive field is present, we produce a URL of the form % "archive/eprint" as the first argument of the \href. If absent, the base % URL defaults to "http://arxiv.org/abs" % If you are using a hypertex macropackage, like hyperref.sty, this command % will create a link to the eprint at Los Alamos (or wherever). % % "New-style" arXiv identifiers are also supported. % % archivePrefix = "arXiv", % eprint = "0707.3168", % primaryClass = "hep-th", % % produces % % \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.3168}{{\tt arXiv:0707.3168 [hep-th]}} % % Another (non-arXiv) example: % % archive = "http://cogprints.org", % eprint = "5542", % archivePrefix = "Cogprints", % % produces % % \href{http://cogprints.org/5542}{{\tt Cogprints:5542}} % % If a % % doi = "10.xxxx" % % field is present, then the journal reference becomes a % clickable hyperlink to the online journal version of the paper. % % The bibtex output produced by SPIRES, while far from perfect, is pretty % suitable for use with this style. Indeed, this style was designed with % SPIRES in mind. ENTRY { address author booktitle chapter edition editor howpublished institution journal key month note number organization pages publisher school series title type volume year archive eprint report collaboration SLACcitation archivePrefix primaryClass url doi } {} { label } INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.quote after.sentence after.quoted.block after.block } FUNCTION {init.state.consts} { #0 'before.all := #1 'mid.sentence := #2 'after.quote := #3 'after.sentence := #4 'after.quoted.block := #5 'after.block := } STRINGS { s t } FUNCTION {output.nonnull} { 's := output.state mid.sentence = { ", " * write$ } { output.state after.quote = { " " * write$ } { output.state after.block = { add.period$ write$ newline$ "\newblock " write$ } { output.state before.all = 'write$ { output.state after.quoted.block = { write$ newline$ "\newblock " write$ } { add.period$ " " * write$ } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ mid.sentence 'output.state := } if$ s } FUNCTION {output} { duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$ 'output.nonnull if$ } FUNCTION {output.check} { 't := duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } 'output.nonnull if$ } FUNCTION {output.bibitem} { newline$ "\bibitem{" write$ cite$ write$ "}" write$ newline$ "" before.all 'output.state := } FUNCTION {blank.sep} { after.quote 'output.state := } FUNCTION {fin.entry} { output.state after.quoted.block = 'skip$ 'add.period$ if$ write$ newline$ } FUNCTION {new.block} { output.state before.all = 'skip$ { output.state after.quote = { after.quoted.block 'output.state := } { after.block 'output.state := } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {new.sentence} { output.state after.block = 'skip$ { output.state before.all = 'skip$ { after.sentence 'output.state := } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {not} { { #0 } { #1 } if$ } FUNCTION {and} { 'skip$ { pop$ #0 } if$ } FUNCTION {or} { { pop$ #1 } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {new.block.checka} { empty$ 'skip$ 'new.block if$ } FUNCTION {new.block.checkb} { empty$ swap$ empty$ and 'skip$ 'new.block if$ } FUNCTION {new.sentence.checka} { empty$ 'skip$ 'new.sentence if$ } FUNCTION {field.or.null} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {emphasize} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } { "{\em " swap$ * "}" * } if$ } FUNCTION {capitalize} { "u" change.case$ "t" change.case$ } INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames } FUNCTION {format.names} { 's := #1 'nameptr := s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := { namesleft #0 > } { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := nameptr #1 > { namesleft #1 > { ", " * t * } { numnames #2 > { "," * } 'skip$ if$ t "others" = { " {\em et al.}" * } { " and " * t * } if$ } if$ } 't if$ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := } while$ } FUNCTION {format.authors} { author empty$ { "" } { author format.names } if$ } FUNCTION {format.archive} { archivePrefix empty$ { "" } { archivePrefix ":" *} if$ } FUNCTION {format.primaryClass} { primaryClass empty$ { "" } { " [" primaryClass * "]" *} if$ } FUNCTION {format.eprint} { eprint empty$ { ""} { archive empty$ {"\href{http://arxiv.org/abs/" eprint * "}" * "{{\tt " * format.archive * eprint * format.primaryClass * "}}" *} {"\href{" archive * "/" * eprint * "}" * "{{\tt " * format.archive * eprint * format.primaryClass * "}}" *} if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.url} { url empty$ { "" } {"\url{" url * "}" *} if$ } FUNCTION {add.doi} { duplicate$ empty$ { skip$ } { doi empty$ {} {"\href{http://dx.doi.org/" doi * "}{" * swap$ * "}" *} if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.report} { report empty$ { ""} { report} if$ } FUNCTION {format.editors} { editor empty$ { "" } { editor format.names editor num.names$ #1 > { ", eds." * } { ", ed." * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title} { title empty$ { "" } { "``" title "t" change.case$ * ",''" * } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title.p} { title empty$ { "" } { "``" title "t" change.case$ * ".''" * } if$ } FUNCTION {n.dashify} { 't := "" { t empty$ not } { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not { "--" * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } { "-" * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } while$ } if$ } { t #1 #1 substring$ * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } if$ } while$ } FUNCTION {format.date} { year empty$ { month empty$ { "" } { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ month } if$ } { month empty$ 'year { month ", " * year * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.date.paren} { year empty$ { month empty$ { "" } { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ month } if$ } { month empty$ {"(" year * ") " *} {"(" month * ", " * year * ") " *} if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.collaboration} { collaboration empty$ { "" } { "{\bf " collaboration * "} " * "Collaboration" * } if$ } FUNCTION {format.SLACcitation} { SLACcitation empty$ {""} { newline$ SLACcitation output "" newline$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.btitle} { title emphasize } FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect} { duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < { "~" } { " " } if$ swap$ * * } FUNCTION {either.or.check} { empty$ 'pop$ { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.bvolume} { volume empty$ { "" } { "vol.~" volume * series empty$ 'skip$ { " of " * series emphasize * } if$ "volume and number" number either.or.check } if$ } FUNCTION {format.number.series} { volume empty$ { number empty$ { series field.or.null } { output.state mid.sentence = { "no.~" } { "No.~" } if$ number * series empty$ { "there's a number but no series in " cite$ * warning$ } { " in " * series * } if$ } if$ } { "" } if$ } FUNCTION {format.edition} { edition empty$ { "" } { edition "l" change.case$ "~ed." * } if$ } INTEGERS { multiresult } FUNCTION {multi.page.check} { 't := #0 'multiresult := { multiresult not t empty$ not and } { t #1 #1 substring$ duplicate$ "-" = swap$ duplicate$ "," = swap$ "+" = or or { #1 'multiresult := } { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } if$ } while$ multiresult } FUNCTION {format.pages} { pages empty$ { "" } { pages multi.page.check { "pp.~" pages n.dashify * } { "p.~" pages * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.pages.nopp} { pages empty$ { "" } { pages multi.page.check { pages n.dashify } { pages } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.volume} { volume empty$ { "" } { "{\bf " volume * "} " * } if$ } FUNCTION {format.number} { number empty$ { "" } { "no.~" number * "," *} if$ } FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages} { chapter empty$ 'format.pages { type empty$ { "ch.~" chapter * } { type "l" change.case$ chapter tie.or.space.connect } if$ pages empty$ 'skip$ { ", " * format.pages * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.in.ed.booktitle} { booktitle empty$ { "" } { "in " booktitle emphasize * editor empty$ 'skip$ { ", " * format.editors * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.thesis.type} { type empty$ 'skip$ { pop$ output.state after.block = { type "t" change.case$ } { type "l" change.case$ } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {empty.misc.check} { author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$ month empty$ year empty$ note empty$ and and and and and { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {format.tr.number} { type empty$ { "Tech. Rep." } 'type if$ number empty$ { "l" change.case$ } { number tie.or.space.connect } if$ } FUNCTION {format.paddress} { address empty$ { "" } { "(" address * ")" * } if$ } FUNCTION {format.article.crossref} { key empty$ { journal empty$ { "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ "" } { "in {\em " journal * "\/}" * } if$ } { "in " key * } if$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor} { editor #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ editor num.names$ duplicate$ #2 > { pop$ " {\em et.~al.}" * } { #2 < 'skip$ { editor #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = { " {\em et.~al.}" * } { " and " * editor #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ * } if$ } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.book.crossref} { volume empty$ { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$ "In " } { "Vol.~" volume * " of " * } if$ editor empty$ editor field.or.null author field.or.null = or { key empty$ { series empty$ { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ "" * } { "{\em " * series * "\/}" * } if$ } { key * } if$ } { format.crossref.editor * } if$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref} { editor empty$ editor field.or.null author field.or.null = or { key empty$ { booktitle empty$ { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ "" } { "in {\em " booktitle * "\/}" * } if$ } { "in " key * } if$ } { "in " format.crossref.editor * } if$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.journal} { journal missing$ { "" } {journal " " * format.volume * format.date.paren * month empty$ { format.number } 'skip$ if$ * " " * format.pages.nopp * } if$ } FUNCTION {article} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output format.authors "author" output.check format.btitle "title" output.check blank.sep new.sentence crossref missing$ { journal missing$ {} { format.journal add.doi "journal" output.check} if$ report missing$ {format.eprint output} {blank.sep format.report output format.eprint output} if$ } { format.article.crossref output.nonnull format.pages output format.eprint output } if$ new.sentence format.url output new.sentence note output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {book} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output author empty$ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } { format.authors output.nonnull crossref missing$ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } 'skip$ if$ } if$ format.btitle add.doi "title" output.check crossref missing$ { format.bvolume output new.block format.number.series output new.sentence publisher "publisher" output.check address output } { new.block format.book.crossref output.nonnull } if$ format.edition output format.date "year" output.check new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {booklet} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output format.authors output title empty$ { "empty title in " cite$ * warning$ howpublished new.sentence.checka } { howpublished empty$ not address empty$ month empty$ year empty$ and and or { format.title.p output.nonnull } { format.title output.nonnull } if$ blank.sep } if$ howpublished capitalize output address output format.date output new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {inbook} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output author empty$ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } { format.authors output.nonnull crossref missing$ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } 'skip$ if$ } if$ format.btitle "title" output.check crossref missing$ { format.bvolume output format.chapter.pages add.doi "chapter and pages" output.check new.block format.number.series output new.block publisher "publisher" output.check address output } { format.chapter.pages add.doi "chapter and pages" output.check new.block format.book.crossref output.nonnull } if$ format.edition output format.date "year" output.check new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {incollection} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output format.authors "author" output.check format.title add.doi "title" output.check blank.sep crossref missing$ { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output format.chapter.pages output new.block publisher "publisher" output.check address output format.edition output format.date "year" output.check } { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull format.chapter.pages output } if$ new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {inproceedings} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output format.authors "author" output.check format.title add.doi "title" output.check blank.sep crossref missing$ { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output format.pages output organization output new.block publisher output address output format.date "year" output.check } { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull format.pages output } if$ new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings } FUNCTION {manual} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output author empty$ { organization empty$ 'skip$ { organization output.nonnull address output } if$ } { format.authors output.nonnull } if$ format.btitle "title" output.check author empty$ { organization empty$ { address new.block.checka address output } 'skip$ if$ } { organization address new.block.checkb organization output address output } if$ format.edition output format.date output new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {mastersthesis} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.title add.doi "title" output.check blank.sep "Master's thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull school "school" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check new.block format.url output new.block note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {misc} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output format.authors output format.btitle add.doi "title" output.check howpublished output format.date output new.block format.eprint output format.url output new.sentence note output new.sentence fin.entry } FUNCTION {phdthesis} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.btitle add.doi "title" output.check new.block "PhD thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull school "school" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {proceedings} { output.bibitem editor empty$ { organization output } { format.editors output.nonnull } if$ format.btitle add.doi "title" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output editor empty$ 'skip$ { organization output } if$ new.block publisher output address output format.date "year" output.check new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {techreport} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output format.authors "author" output.check format.btitle add.doi "title" output.check blank.sep format.tr.number output.nonnull institution "institution" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check new.block format.eprint output new.block format.url output new.block note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {unpublished} { output.bibitem format.collaboration output format.authors "author" output.check format.title.p "title" output.check blank.sep note "note" output.check format.date output new.sentence format.SLACcitation output fin.entry } FUNCTION {default.type} { misc } MACRO {jan} {"Jan."} MACRO {feb} {"Feb."} MACRO {mar} {"Mar."} MACRO {apr} {"Apr."} MACRO {may} {"May"} MACRO {jun} {"June"} MACRO {jul} {"July"} MACRO {aug} {"Aug."} MACRO {sep} {"Sept."} MACRO {oct} {"Oct."} MACRO {nov} {"Nov."} MACRO {dec} {"Dec."} MACRO {nup} {"Nucl. Phys."} MACRO {cmp} {"Comm. Math. Phys."} MACRO {prl} {"Phys. Rev. Lett."} MACRO {pl} {"Phys. Lett."} MACRO {rmp} {"Rev. Mod. Phys."} MACRO {ijmp} {"Int. Jour. Mod. Phys."} MACRO {mpl} {"Mod. Phys. Lett."} MACRO {pr} {"Phys. Rev."} MACRO {arXiv} {"http://arxiv.org/abs"} MACRO {cogprints} {"http://cogprints.org"} MACRO {pubmed} {"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed"} READ STRINGS { longest.label } INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width } FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label} { "" 'longest.label := #1 'number.label := #0 'longest.label.width := } FUNCTION {longest.label.pass} { number.label int.to.str$ 'label := number.label #1 + 'number.label := label width$ longest.label.width > { label 'longest.label := label width$ 'longest.label.width := } 'skip$ if$ } EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label} ITERATE {longest.label.pass} FUNCTION {begin.bib} { preamble$ empty$ 'skip$ { preamble$ write$ newline$ } if$ "\providecommand{\href}[2]{#2}" "\begingroup\raggedright\begin{thebibliography}{" * longest.label * "}" * write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {begin.bib} EXECUTE {init.state.consts} ITERATE {call.type$} FUNCTION {end.bib} { newline$ "\end{thebibliography}\endgroup" write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {end.bib}