#ifndef PHASIC_Channels_Channel_Interface_H #define PHASIC_Channels_Channel_Interface_H #include "PHASIC++/Channels/Single_Channel.H" namespace PHASIC { class Channel_Interface : public Single_Channel { protected: double E, Ehat, s, smax, pt2, pt2max, pt2min, pt, mass, width; int type, chnumber; public : // constructor Channel_Interface(int nin,int nout,ATOOLS::Flavour *flavour, ATOOLS::Flavour res=ATOOLS::Flavour(kf_none)); // setter void SetChNumber(int _chnumber) { chnumber = _chnumber; } // getters void ISRInfo(int &type,double &mass,double &width); int ChNumber(); // member functions virtual void GeneratePoint(ATOOLS::Vec4D *p,double *ran); virtual void GenerateWeight(ATOOLS::Vec4D *p); inline void GeneratePoint(ATOOLS::Vec4D *p, Cut_Data *cuts,double *ran) { GeneratePoint(p,ran); } inline void GenerateWeight(ATOOLS::Vec4D *p,Cut_Data *cuts) { GenerateWeight(p); } };// end of class Channel_Interface }//end of namespace PHASIC #endif