///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class header file for MSTW PDFs. // Original C++ version by Jeppe Andersen. // Modified by Graeme Watt . // // Usage: // Initialising an instance of the class: // c_mstwpdf pdf("filename.dat") // with "filename.dat" being the data file to interpolate. // // A call to the method // c_mstwpdf::update(x,q) // updates the parton content to the values at (x,q^2). // The parton contents can then be accessed in // c_mstwpdf::cont.upv etc. // This method is faster if all the flavours need to be evaluated. // // A call to the method // c_mstwpdf::parton(f,x,q) // will return the value of the PDF with flavour 'f' at (x,q^2). // Now use PDG notation for parton flavour: // f = -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6 // = tbar,bbar,cbar,sbar,ubar,dbar,g,d,u,s,c,b,t. // Can also get valence quarks directly: // f = 7, 8, 9,10,11,12 // = dv,uv,sv,cv,bv,tv. // Photon: f = 13. // This method is faster if only one flavour needs to be evaluated. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _MSTWPDF_H_INCLUDED_ #define _MSTWPDF_H_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class c_mstwpdf { private: const static int np=12; // number of parton flavours const static int nx=64; // number of x grid points const static int nq=48; // number of q^2 grid points const static int nqc0=4; // number of q^2 bins below charm threshold const static int nqb0=14; // number of q^2 bins below bottom threshold static double xx[nx+1]; // grid points in x static double qq[nq+1]; // grid points in q^2 double c[np+1][nx][nq][5][5]; // coefficients used for interpolation double parton_interpolate(int flavour,double xxx,double qqq); double parton_extrapolate(int flavour,double xxx,double qqq); bool warn,fatal; public: struct s_partoncontent { double upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,sbar,chm,cbar,bot,bbar,glu,phot; } cont; double xmin,xmax,qsqmin,qsqmax; double mCharm,mBottom,alphaSQ0,alphaSMZ; double distance,tolerance; int alphaSorder,alphaSnfmax; void update(double x,double q); // update cont double parton(int flavour,double x,double q); // The constructor (initialises the functions): c_mstwpdf(string filename,bool warn=false,bool fatal=true); }; #endif