///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class implementation file for MSTW PDFs. // Original C++ version by Jeppe Andersen. // Modified by Graeme Watt . // // Usage: // Initialising an instance of the class: // c_mstwpdf pdf("filename.dat") // with "filename.dat" being the data file to interpolate. // // A call to the method // c_mstwpdf::update(x,q) // updates the parton content to the values at (x,q^2). // The parton contents can then be accessed in // c_mstwpdf::cont.upv etc. // This method is faster if all the flavours need to be evaluated. // // A call to the method // c_mstwpdf::parton(f,x,q) // will return the value of the PDF with flavour 'f' at (x,q^2). // Now use PDG notation for parton flavour: // f = -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6 // = tbar,bbar,cbar,sbar,ubar,dbar,g,d,u,s,c,b,t. // Can also get valence quarks directly: // f = 7, 8, 9,10,11,12. // = dv,uv,sv,cv,bv,tv. // Photon: f = 13. // This method is fastest if only one flavour needs to be evaluated. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "mstwpdf.h" int locate(double xx[],int n,double x) // returns an integer j such that x lies inbetween xx[j] and xx[j+1]. // unit offset of increasing ordered array xx assumed. // n is the length of the array (xx[n] highest element). { int ju,jm,jl(0),j; ju=n+1; while (ju-jl>1) { jm=(ju+jl)/2; // compute a mid point. if ( x>= xx[jm]) jl=jm; else ju=jm; } if (x==xx[1]) j=1; else if (x==xx[n]) j=n-1; else j=jl; return j; } double polderivative1(double x1,double x2,double x3,double y1,double y2,double y3) // returns the estimate of the derivative at x1 obtained by a polynomial // interpolation using the three points (x_i,y_i). { return (x3*x3*(y1-y2)+2.0*x1*(x3*(-y1+y2)+x2*(y1-y3))+x2*x2*(-y1+y3)+x1*x1*(-y2+y3))/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3)*(x2-x3)); } double polderivative2(double x1,double x2,double x3,double y1,double y2,double y3) // returns the estimate of the derivative at x2 obtained by a polynomial // interpolation using the three points (x_i,y_i). { return (x3*x3*(y1-y2)-2.0*x2*(x3*(y1-y2)+x1*(y2-y3))+x2*x2*(y1-y3)+x1*x1*(y2-y3))/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3)*(x2-x3)); } double polderivative3(double x1,double x2,double x3,double y1,double y2,double y3) // returns the estimate of the derivative at x3 obtained by a polynomial // interpolation using the three points (x_i,y_i). { return (x3*x3*(-y1+y2)+2.0*x2*x3*(y1-y3)+x1*x1*(y2-y3)+x2*x2*(-y1+y3)+2.0*x1*x3*(-y2+y3))/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3)*(x2-x3)); } double c_mstwpdf::xx[nx+1]; double c_mstwpdf::qq[nq+1]; c_mstwpdf::c_mstwpdf(string filename,bool warn_in,bool fatal_in) // The constructor: this will initialise the functions automatically. { int i,n,m,k,l,j; // counters double dtemp; // Variables used for initialising c_ij array: double f[np+1][nx+1][nq+1]; double f1[np+1][nx+1][nq+1]; // derivative w.r.t. x double f2[np+1][nx+1][nq+1]; // derivative w.r.t. q double f12[np+1][nx+1][nq+1];// cross derivative double f21[np+1][nx+1][nq+1];// cross derivative int wt[16][16]={{1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {-3,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,-2,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0}, {2,0,0,-2,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,-3,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,-2,0,0,-1}, {0,0,0,0,2,0,0,-2,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1}, {-3,3,0,0,-2,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-3,3,0,0,-2,-1,0,0}, {9,-9,9,-9,6,3,-3,-6,6,-6,-3,3,4,2,1,2}, {-6,6,-6,6,-4,-2,2,4,-3,3,3,-3,-2,-1,-1,-2}, {2,-2,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,-2,0,0,1,1,0,0}, {-6,6,-6,6,-3,-3,3,3,-4,4,2,-2,-2,-2,-1,-1}, {4,-4,4,-4,2,2,-2,-2,2,-2,-2,2,1,1,1,1}}; double xxd,d1d2,cl[16],x[16],d1,d2,y[5],y1[5],y2[5],y12[5]; double mc2,mb2,eps=1e-6; // q^2 grid points at mc2+eps, mb2+eps warn = warn_in; // option to turn on warning if extrapolating. fatal = fatal_in; // option to return zero instead of terminating when invalid input values of x and q are used. xmin=1e-6; // minimum x grid point xmax=1.0; // maximum x grid point qsqmin=1.0; // minimum q^2 grid point qsqmax=1e9; // maximum q^2 grid point // Initialising the x array common to all members of the class. // Unfortunately, ANSI-C++ does not allow a initialisation of a // member array. So here we go... xx[0]=0; xx[1]=1E-6; xx[2]=2E-6; xx[3]=4E-6; xx[4]=6E-6; xx[5]=8E-6; xx[6]=1E-5; xx[7]=2E-5; xx[8]=4E-5; xx[9]=6E-5; xx[10]=8E-5; xx[11]=1E-4; xx[12]=2E-4; xx[13]=4E-4; xx[14]=6E-4; xx[15]=8E-4; xx[16]=1E-3; xx[17]=2E-3; xx[18]=4E-3; xx[19]=6E-3; xx[20]=8E-3; xx[21]=1E-2; xx[22]=1.4E-2; xx[23]=2E-2; xx[24]=3E-2; xx[25]=4E-2; xx[26]=6E-2; xx[27]=8E-2; xx[28]=.1E0; xx[29]=.125E0; xx[30]=.15E0; xx[31]=.175E0; xx[32]=.2E0; xx[33]=.225E0; xx[34]=.25E0; xx[35]=.275E0; xx[36]=.3E0; xx[37]=.325E0; xx[38]=.35E0; xx[39]=.375E0; xx[40]=.4E0; xx[41]=.425E0; xx[42]=.45E0; xx[43]=.475E0; xx[44]=.5E0; xx[45]=.525E0; xx[46]=.55E0; xx[47]=.575E0; xx[48]=.6E0; xx[49]=.625E0; xx[50]=.65E0; xx[51]=.675E0; xx[52]=.7E0; xx[53]=.725E0; xx[54]=.75E0; xx[55]=.775E0; xx[56]=.8E0; xx[57]=.825E0; xx[58]=.85E0; xx[59]=.875E0; xx[60]=.9E0; xx[61]=.925E0; xx[62]=.95E0; xx[63]=.975E0; xx[64]=1E0; // ditto for qq array qq[0]=0; qq[1]=1.E0; qq[2]=1.25E0; qq[3]=1.5E0; qq[4]=0; qq[5]=0; qq[6]=2.5E0; qq[7]=3.2E0; qq[8]=4E0; qq[9]=5E0; qq[10]=6.4E0; qq[11]=8E0; qq[12]=1E1; qq[13]=1.2E1; qq[14]=0; qq[15]=0; qq[16]=2.6E1; qq[17]=4E1; qq[18]=6.4E1; qq[19]=1E2; qq[20]=1.6E2; qq[21]=2.4E2; qq[22]=4E2; qq[23]=6.4E2; qq[24]=1E3; qq[25]=1.8E3; qq[26]=3.2E3; qq[27]=5.6E3; qq[28]=1E4; qq[29]=1.8E4; qq[30]=3.2E4; qq[31]=5.6E4; qq[32]=1E5; qq[33]=1.8E5; qq[34]=3.2E5; qq[35]=5.6E5; qq[36]=1E6; qq[37]=1.8E6; qq[38]=3.2E6; qq[39]=5.6E6; qq[40]=1E7; qq[41]=1.8E7; qq[42]=3.2E7; qq[43]=5.6E7; qq[44]=1E8; qq[45]=1.8E8; qq[46]=3.2E8; qq[47]=5.6E8; qq[48]=1E9; // The name of the file to open is stored in 'filename'. // Line below can be commented out if you don't want this message. cout << "Reading PDF grid from " << filename << endl; ifstream data_file; data_file.open(filename.c_str()); if (data_file.fail()) { cerr << "Error in c_mstwpdf::c_mstwpdf opening " << filename << endl; exit (-1); } // Read distance, tolerance, heavy quark masses // and alphaS values from file. char comma; int nExtraFlavours; data_file.ignore(256,'\n'); data_file.ignore(256,'\n'); data_file.ignore(256,'='); data_file >> distance >> tolerance; data_file.ignore(256,'='); data_file >> mCharm; data_file.ignore(256,'='); data_file >> mBottom; data_file.ignore(256,'='); data_file >> alphaSQ0; data_file.ignore(256,'='); data_file >> alphaSMZ; data_file.ignore(256,'='); data_file >> alphaSorder >> comma >> alphaSnfmax; data_file.ignore(256,'='); data_file >> nExtraFlavours; data_file.ignore(256,'\n'); data_file.ignore(256,'\n'); data_file.ignore(256,'\n'); mc2=mCharm*mCharm; mb2=mBottom*mBottom; qq[4]=mc2; qq[5]=mc2+eps; qq[14]=mb2; qq[15]=mb2+eps; // Check that the heavy quark masses are sensible. if (mc2 < qq[3] || mc2 > qq[6]) { cerr << "Error in c_mstwpdf::c_mstwpdf: invalid mCharm = " << mCharm << endl; exit (-1); } if (mb2 < qq[13] || mb2 > qq[16]) { cerr << "Error in c_mstwpdf::c_mstwpdf: invalid mBottom = " << mBottom << endl; exit (-1); } // The nExtraFlavours variable is provided to aid compatibility // with future grids where, for example, a photon distribution // might be provided (cf. the MRST2004QED PDFs). if (nExtraFlavours < 0 || nExtraFlavours > 1) { cerr << "Error in c_mstwpdf::c_mstwpdf: invalid nExtraFlavours = " << nExtraFlavours << endl; exit (-1); } // Now read in the grids from the grid file. for (n=1;n<=nx-1;n++) for (m=1;m<=nq;m++) { for (i=1;i<=9;i++) data_file >> f[i][n][m]; if (alphaSorder==2) { // only at NNLO data_file >> f[10][n][m]; // = chm-cbar data_file >> f[11][n][m]; // = bot-bbar } else { f[10][n][m] = 0.; // = chm-cbar f[11][n][m] = 0.; // = bot-bbar } if (nExtraFlavours>0) data_file >> f[12][n][m]; // = photon else f[12][n][m] = 0.; // photon if (data_file.eof()) { cerr << "Error in c_mstwpdf::c_mstwpdf reading " << filename << endl; exit (-1); } } // Check that ALL the file contents have been read in. data_file >> dtemp; if (!data_file.eof()) { cerr << "Error in c_mstwpdf::c_mstwpdf reading " << filename << endl; exit (-1); } // Close the datafile. data_file.close(); // PDFs are identically zero at x = 1. for (i=1;i<=np;i++) for (m=1;m<=nq;m++) f[i][nx][m]=0.0; // Set up the new array in log10(x) and log10(qsq). for (i=1;i<=nx;i++) xx[i]=log10(xx[i]); for (m=1;m<=nq;m++) qq[m]=log10(qq[m]); // Now calculate the derivatives used for bicubic interpolation. for (i=1;i<=np;i++) { // Start by calculating the first x derivatives // along the first x value: for (m=1;m<=nq;m++) { f1[i][1][m]=polderivative1(xx[1],xx[2],xx[3],f[i][1][m],f[i][2][m],f[i][3][m]); // Then along the rest (up to the last): for (k=2;kpow(10.,qq[nqc0]) && qsqpow(10.,qq[nqb0]) && qsq