C============================================================================ C CTEQ-TEA Parton Distribution Functions: version 2010 C April 23, 2010, v1.00 C July 13, 2010, v1.01 C July 26, 2010, v1.02 C August 3, 2010, v1.03 C August 9, 2010, v1.04 C C Ref[1]: "New parton distributions for collider physics" C By : H.L. Lai, M. Guzzi, J. Huston, Z. Li, P. Nadolsky, J. Pumplin, C.-P. Yuan C arXiv:1007.2241 (hep-ph) C This package contains C (1) 1+52 sets of CT10 PDF's (4/23); C (2) 1+52 sets of CT10W PDF's (4/23); C (3) 10 sets of CT10 alternative alpha_s PDF's (7/13, 7/26); C (4) 10 sets of CT10W alternative alpha_s PDF's (7/13, 7/26); C (5) 4 sets of CT10 & CT10W in Fixed Flavor Scheme PDF's (8/3). C Details about the calling convention are: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Iset PDF-set Description Alpha_s(Mz) Table_File Ref C ================================================================================ C 100 CT10.00 Central CT10 0.118 ct10.00.pds [1] C 1xx CT10.xx +/- sets 0.118 ct10.xx.pds [1] C where xx = 01-52: 01/02 corresponds to +/- for the 1st eigenvector, ... etc. C -------------------------- C 200 CT10W.00 Central CT10W 0.118 ct10w00.pds [1] C 2xx CT10W.xx +/- sets 0.118 ct10wxx.pds [1] C where xx = 01-52: 01/02 corresponds to +/- for the 1st eigenvector, ... etc. C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Alpha_s range recommended to estimate the uncertainty of PDF+alpha_s C 10 CT10.AS0 CT10 alpha_s series 0.116 ct10.as0.pds [1] C 11 CT10.AS1 CT10 alpha_s series 0.117 ct10.as1.pds [1] C 12 CT10.AS2 CT10 alpha_s series 0.119 ct10.as2.pds [1] C 13 CT10.AS3 CT10 alpha_s series 0.120 ct10.as3.pds [1] C -------------------------- C 20 CT10W.AS0 CT10W alpha_s series 0.116 ct10was0.pds [1] C 21 CT10W.AS1 CT10W alpha_s series 0.117 ct10was1.pds [1] C 22 CT10W.AS2 CT10W alpha_s series 0.119 ct10was2.pds [1] C 23 CT10W.AS3 CT10W alpha_s series 0.120 ct10was3.pds [1] C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Extended alpha_s range for further exploration C 14 CT10.AS4 CT10 alpha_s series 0.113 ct10.as4.pds [1] C 15 CT10.AS5 CT10 alpha_s series 0.114 ct10.as5.pds [1] C 16 CT10.AS6 CT10 alpha_s series 0.115 ct10.as6.pds [1] C 17 CT10.AS7 CT10 alpha_s series 0.121 ct10.as7.pds [1] C 18 CT10.AS8 CT10 alpha_s series 0.122 ct10.as8.pds [1] C 19 CT10.AS9 CT10 alpha_s series 0.123 ct10.as9.pds [1] C -------------------------- C 24 CT10W.AS4 CT10W alpha_s series 0.113 ct10was4.pds [1] C 25 CT10W.AS5 CT10W alpha_s series 0.114 ct10was5.pds [1] C 26 CT10W.AS6 CT10W alpha_s series 0.115 ct10was6.pds [1] C 27 CT10W.AS7 CT10W alpha_s series 0.121 ct10was7.pds [1] C 28 CT10W.AS8 CT10W alpha_s series 0.122 ct10was8.pds [1] C 29 CT10W.AS9 CT10W alpha_s series 0.123 ct10was9.pds [1] C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Fixed Flavor Scheme C 30 CT10.3F CT10 3-flavor 0.118 ct10.3f.pds [1] C 31 CT10.4F CT10 4-flavor 0.118 ct10.4f.pds [1] C 32 CT10W.3F CT10W 3-flavor 0.118 ct10w3f.pds [1] C 33 CT10W.4F CT10W 4-flavor 0.118 ct10w4f.pds [1] C =========================================================================== C ** ALL fits are obtained by using the same coupling strength C \alpha_s(Mz)=0.118 and the NLO (HOPPET) running \alpha_s formula. C C The table grids are generated for C * 10^-8 < x < 1 and 1.3 < Q < 10^5 (GeV) for CT10 & CT10W series; C C PDF values outside of the above range are returned using extrapolation. C C The Table_Files are assumed to be in the working directory. C C Before using the PDF, it is necessary to do the initialization by C Call SetCT10(Iset) C where Iset is the desired PDF specified in the above table. C C The function CT10Pdf (Iparton, X, Q) C returns the parton distribution inside the proton for parton [Iparton] C at [X] Bjorken_X and scale [Q] (GeV) in PDF set [Iset]. C Iparton is the parton label (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, ......, -5) C for (b, c, s, d, u, g, u_bar, ..., b_bar), C C For detailed information on the parameters used, e.q. quark masses, C AlphaS, ... etc., see info lines at the beginning of the C Table_Files. C C These programs, as provided, are in double precision. By removing the C "Implicit Double Precision" lines, they can also be run in single C precision. C C If you have detailed questions concerning these CT10 distributions, C or if you find problems/bugs using this package, direct inquires to C hllai@tmue.edu.tw, pumplin@pa.msu.edu or nadolsky@physics.smu.edu. C C=========================================================================== Function CT10Pdf (Iparton, X, Q) Implicit Double Precision (A-H,O-Z) Logical Warn Common > / CtqPar2 / Nx, Nt, NfMx, MxVal > / QCDtbl / AlfaQ, Qalfa, Ipk, Iorder, Nfl !for external use Data Warn /.true./ Data Qsml /.3d0/ save Warn If (X .lt. 0d0 .or. X .gt. 1D0) Then Print *, 'X out of range in CT10Pdf: ', X Ct10Pdf = 0D0 Return Endif If (Q .lt. Qsml) Then Print *, 'Q out of range in CT10Pdf: ', Q Stop Endif If (abs(Iparton).gt. NfMx) Then If (Warn) Then C print a warning for calling extra flavor Warn = .false. Print *, 'Warning: Iparton out of range in CT10Pdf! ' Print *, 'Iparton, MxFlvN0: ', Iparton, NfMx Endif CT10Pdf = 0D0 else CT10Pdf = PartonX10 (Iparton, X, Q) if (CT10Pdf.lt.0D0) CT10Pdf = 0D0 endif !if (abs(Iparton... Return C ******************** End Subroutine SetCT10 (Iset) Implicit Double Precision (A-H,O-Z) Parameter (Isetmax0=2) Character Flnm(Isetmax0)*5, nn*3, Tablefile*40 Data (Flnm(I), I=1,Isetmax0) > / 'ct10.', 'ct10w' / Data Isetold, Isetmin1, Isetmax1 /-987,100,152/ Data Isetmin2,Isetmax2 /200,252/ Data IsetASmn1,IsetASmx1 /10,19/ Data IsetASmn2,IsetASmx2 /20,29/ Data IsetFFSmn,IsetFFSmx /30,33/ Common /Setchange/ Isetch Common /CT10Jset/ Jset save Jset=Iset C If data file not initialized, do so. If(Iset.ne.Isetold) then If (Iset.ge.Isetmin1 .and. Iset.le.Isetmax1) Then C 101 - 152 write(nn,'(I3)') Iset Tablefile=Flnm(1)//nn(2:3)//'.pds' Elseif (Iset.ge.Isetmin2 .and. Iset.le.Isetmax2) Then C 200 - 252 write(nn,'(I3)') Iset Tablefile=Flnm(2)//nn(2:3)//'.pds' Elseif (Iset.ge.IsetASmn1 .and. Iset.le.IsetASmx1) Then C 10 - 19 write(nn,'(I2)') Iset Tablefile=Flnm(1)//'as'//nn(2:2)//'.pds' Elseif (Iset.ge.IsetASmn2 .and. Iset.le.IsetASmx2) Then C 20 - 29 write(nn,'(I2)') Iset Tablefile=Flnm(2)//'as'//nn(2:2)//'.pds' Elseif (Iset.ge.IsetFFSmn .and. Iset.le.IsetFFSmx) Then C 30 - 33 Js=(Iset-28)/2 write(nn,'(I1)') Iset-25-Js*2 Tablefile=Flnm(Js)//nn(1:1)//'f.pds' Else Print *, 'Invalid Iset number in SetCT10 :', Iset Stop Endif IU= NextUn() Open(IU, File=Tablefile, Status='OLD', Err=100) 21 Call Readpds0 (IU) Close (IU) Isetold=Iset Isetch=1 Endif Return 100 Print *, ' Data file ', Tablefile, ' cannot be opened ' > //'in SetCT10!!' Stop C ******************** End Subroutine Readpds0 (Nu) Implicit Double Precision (A-H,O-Z) Character Line*80 PARAMETER (MXX = 201, MXQ = 25, MXF = 6, MaxVal=4) PARAMETER (MXPQX = (MXF+1+MaxVal) * MXQ * MXX) Common > / CtqPar1 / qBase, XV(0:MXX), TV(0:MXQ), UPD(MXPQX) > / CtqPar2 / Nx, Nt, NfMx, MxVal > / XQrange / Qini, Qmax, Xmin > / Masstbl / Amass(6) > / QCDtbl / AlfaQ, Qalfa, Ipk, Iorder, Nfl !for external use Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *) Dr, Fl, qBase, (Amass(I),I=1,6) Iorder = Nint(Dr) Nfl = Nint(Fl) Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *) Ipk,AlfaQ,Qalfa, NfMx, MxVal, N0 Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *) NX, NT, N0, NG, N0 Read (Nu, '(A)') (Line,I=1,NG+2) Read (Nu, *) QINI, QMAX, (aa,TV(I), I =0, NT) Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *) XMIN, aa, (XV(I), I =1, NX) XV(0)=0D0 Nblk = (NX+1) * (NT+1) Npts = Nblk * (NfMx+1+MxVal) Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *, IOSTAT=IRET) (UPD(I), I=1,Npts) Return C **************************** End Function PartonX10 (IPRTN, XX, QQ) c Given the parton distribution function in the array U in c COMMON / PEVLDT / , this routine interpolates to find c the parton distribution at an arbitray point in x and q. c Implicit Double Precision (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (MXX = 201, MXQ = 25, MXF = 6, MaxVal=4) PARAMETER (MXPQX = (MXF+1+MaxVal) * MXQ * MXX) Common > / CtqPar1 / qBase, XV(0:MXX), TV(0:MXQ), UPD(MXPQX) > / CtqPar2 / Nx, Nt, NfMx, MxVal > / XQrange / Qini, Qmax, Xmin > /Setchange/ Isetch Dimension fvec(4), fij(4) Dimension xvpow(0:mxx) Data OneP / 1.00001 / Data xpow / 0.3d0 / !**** choice of interpolation variable Data nqvec / 4 / Data ientry / 0 / Data X, Q, JX, JQ /-1D0, -1D0, 0, 0/ Save xvpow Save X, Q, JX, JQ, JLX, JLQ Save ss, const1, const2, const3, const4, const5, const6 Save sy2, sy3, s23, tt, t12, t13, t23, t24, t34, ty2, ty3 Save tmp1, tmp2, tdet c store the powers used for interpolation on first call... if(Isetch .eq. 1) then Isetch = 0 xvpow(0) = 0D0 do i = 1, nx xvpow(i) = xv(i)**xpow enddo elseIf((XX.eq.X).and.(QQ.eq.Q)) then goto 99 endif X = XX Q = QQ tt = log(log(Q/qBase)) c ------------- find lower end of interval containing x, i.e., c get jx such that xv(jx) .le. x .le. xv(jx+1)... JLx = -1 JU = Nx+1 11 If (JU-JLx .GT. 1) Then JM = (JU+JLx) / 2 If (X .Ge. XV(JM)) Then JLx = JM Else JU = JM Endif Goto 11 Endif C Ix 0 1 2 Jx JLx Nx-2 Nx C |---|---|---|...|---|-x-|---|...|---|---| C x 0 Xmin x 1 C If (JLx .LE. -1) Then Print '(A,1pE12.4)','Severe error: x <= 0 in PartonX10! x = ',x call Shabrt ElseIf (JLx .Eq. 0) Then Jx = 0 Elseif (JLx .LE. Nx-2) Then C For interrior points, keep x in the middle, as shown above Jx = JLx - 1 Elseif (JLx.Eq.Nx-1 .or. x.LT.OneP) Then C We tolerate a slight over-shoot of one (OneP=1.00001), C perhaps due to roundoff or whatever, but not more than that. C Keep at least 4 points >= Jx Jx = JLx - 2 Else Print '(A,1pE12.4)','Severe error: x > 1 in PartonX10! x = ',x call Shabrt Endif C ---------- Note: JLx uniquely identifies the x-bin; Jx does not. C This is the variable to be interpolated in ss = x**xpow If (JLx.Ge.2 .and. JLx.Le.Nx-2) Then c initiation work for "interior bins": store the lattice points in s... svec1 = xvpow(jx) svec2 = xvpow(jx+1) svec3 = xvpow(jx+2) svec4 = xvpow(jx+3) s12 = svec1 - svec2 s13 = svec1 - svec3 s23 = svec2 - svec3 s24 = svec2 - svec4 s34 = svec3 - svec4 sy2 = ss - svec2 sy3 = ss - svec3 c constants needed for interpolating in s at fixed t lattice points... const1 = s13/s23 const2 = s12/s23 const3 = s34/s23 const4 = s24/s23 s1213 = s12 + s13 s2434 = s24 + s34 sdet = s12*s34 - s1213*s2434 tmp = sy2*sy3/sdet const5 = (s34*sy2-s2434*sy3)*tmp/s12 const6 = (s1213*sy2-s12*sy3)*tmp/s34 EndIf c --------------Now find lower end of interval containing Q, i.e., c get jq such that qv(jq) .le. q .le. qv(jq+1)... JLq = -1 JU = NT+1 12 If (JU-JLq .GT. 1) Then JM = (JU+JLq) / 2 If (tt .GE. TV(JM)) Then JLq = JM Else JU = JM Endif Goto 12 Endif If (JLq .LE. 0) Then Jq = 0 Elseif (JLq .LE. Nt-2) Then C keep q in the middle, as shown above Jq = JLq - 1 Else C JLq .GE. Nt-1 case: Keep at least 4 points >= Jq. Jq = Nt - 3 Endif C This is the interpolation variable in Q If (JLq.GE.1 .and. JLq.LE.Nt-2) Then c store the lattice points in t... tvec1 = Tv(jq) tvec2 = Tv(jq+1) tvec3 = Tv(jq+2) tvec4 = Tv(jq+3) t12 = tvec1 - tvec2 t13 = tvec1 - tvec3 t23 = tvec2 - tvec3 t24 = tvec2 - tvec4 t34 = tvec3 - tvec4 ty2 = tt - tvec2 ty3 = tt - tvec3 tmp1 = t12 + t13 tmp2 = t24 + t34 tdet = t12*t34 - tmp1*tmp2 EndIf c get the pdf function values at the lattice points... 99 If (Iprtn .Gt. MxVal) Then Ip = - Iprtn Else Ip = Iprtn EndIf jtmp = ((Ip + NfMx)*(NT+1)+(jq-1))*(NX+1)+jx+1 Do it = 1, nqvec J1 = jtmp + it*(NX+1) If (Jx .Eq. 0) Then C For the first 4 x points, interpolate x^2*f(x,Q) C This applies to the two lowest bins JLx = 0, 1 C We can not put the JLx.eq.1 bin into the "interrior" section C (as we do for q), since Upd(J1) is undefined. fij(1) = 0 fij(2) = Upd(J1+1) * XV(1)**2 fij(3) = Upd(J1+2) * XV(2)**2 fij(4) = Upd(J1+3) * XV(3)**2 C C Use Polint which allows x to be anywhere w.r.t. the grid Call Polint4F (XVpow(0), Fij(1), ss, Fx) If (x .GT. 0D0) Fvec(it) = Fx / x**2 C Pdf is undefined for x.eq.0 ElseIf (JLx .Eq. Nx-1) Then C This is the highest x bin: Call Polint4F (XVpow(Nx-3), Upd(J1), ss, Fx) Fvec(it) = Fx Else C for all interior points, use Jon's in-line function C This applied to (JLx.Ge.2 .and. JLx.Le.Nx-2) sf2 = Upd(J1+1) sf3 = Upd(J1+2) g1 = sf2*const1 - sf3*const2 g4 = -sf2*const3 + sf3*const4 Fvec(it) = (const5*(Upd(J1)-g1) & + const6*(Upd(J1+3)-g4) & + sf2*sy3 - sf3*sy2) / s23 Endif enddo C We now have the four values Fvec(1:4) c interpolate in t... If (JLq .LE. 0) Then C 1st Q-bin, as well as extrapolation to lower Q Call Polint4F (TV(0), Fvec(1), tt, ff) ElseIf (JLq .GE. Nt-1) Then C Last Q-bin, as well as extrapolation to higher Q Call Polint4F (TV(Nt-3), Fvec(1), tt, ff) Else C Interrior bins : (JLq.GE.1 .and. JLq.LE.Nt-2) C which include JLq.Eq.1 and JLq.Eq.Nt-2, since Upd is defined for C the full range QV(0:Nt) (in contrast to XV) tf2 = fvec(2) tf3 = fvec(3) g1 = ( tf2*t13 - tf3*t12) / t23 g4 = (-tf2*t34 + tf3*t24) / t23 h00 = ((t34*ty2-tmp2*ty3)*(fvec(1)-g1)/t12 & + (tmp1*ty2-t12*ty3)*(fvec(4)-g4)/t34) ff = (h00*ty2*ty3/tdet + tf2*ty3 - tf3*ty2) / t23 EndIf PartonX10 = ff Return C ******************** End SUBROUTINE POLINT4F (XA,YA,X,Y) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) C The POLINT4 routine is based on the POLINT routine from "Numerical Recipes", C but assuming N=4, and ignoring the error estimation. C suggested by Z. Sullivan. DIMENSION XA(*),YA(*) H1=XA(1)-X H2=XA(2)-X H3=XA(3)-X H4=XA(4)-X W=YA(2)-YA(1) DEN=W/(H1-H2) D1=H2*DEN C1=H1*DEN W=YA(3)-YA(2) DEN=W/(H2-H3) D2=H3*DEN C2=H2*DEN W=YA(4)-YA(3) DEN=W/(H3-H4) D3=H4*DEN C3=H3*DEN W=C2-D1 DEN=W/(H1-H3) CD1=H3*DEN CC1=H1*DEN W=C3-D2 DEN=W/(H2-H4) CD2=H4*DEN CC2=H2*DEN W=CC2-CD1 DEN=W/(H1-H4) DD1=H4*DEN DC1=H1*DEN If((H3+H4).lt.0D0) Then Y=YA(4)+D3+CD2+DD1 Elseif((H2+H3).lt.0D0) Then Y=YA(3)+D2+CD1+DC1 Elseif((H1+H2).lt.0D0) Then Y=YA(2)+C2+CD1+DC1 ELSE Y=YA(1)+C1+CC1+DC1 ENDIF RETURN C ************************* END Function NextUn() C Returns an unallocated FORTRAN i/o unit. Logical EX C Do 10 N = 10, 300 INQUIRE (UNIT=N, OPENED=EX) If (.NOT. EX) then NextUn = N Return Endif 10 Continue Stop ' There is no available I/O unit. ' C ************************* End C