from ufo_interface import s_parameter, s_particle from ufo_interface.templates import run_card_template # For all parameters except the "decay" parameters def table_format(nci, lha_indices, ncv, value, name): formatter = r"{0: <"+str(nci)+r"}" ret = "\t" ret += " ".join([formatter.format(index) for index in lha_indices]) ret += (r" {0: <"+str(ncv)+r"}").format(value) ret += " # {0}\n".format(name) return ret def write_run_card(model, model_name, run_card_path): ext_params = [s_parameter(param) for param in model.all_parameters if (s_parameter(param).is_external())] # length of the 'index'-fields in output nci = max([max([len(str(index)) for index in param.lha_indices()]) for param in ext_params]) # length of the 'value'-fields in output ncv = max([len(str(param.raw_value())) for param in ext_params]) blocks = dict() for param in ext_params: cur_block = param.lha_block().lower() if not cur_block in blocks: blocks[cur_block]=[par for par in ext_params if par.lha_block().lower()==cur_block] yaml_indent = " " ufo_params = "" for block,param_list in blocks.iteritems(): if (block.lower() == "decay"): continue # in order to comply with weird default ufo param_card format ufo_params += yaml_indent + "block {0}\n".format(block) ufo_params += "".join([yaml_indent + table_format(nci,param.lha_indices(), ncv, param.raw_value(), for param in param_list]) ufo_params += yaml_indent + "\n" # in order to comply with weird default ufo param_card format if "decay" in blocks: for param in blocks["decay"]: ufo_params += yaml_indent ufo_params += "decay " ufo_params += table_format(nci, param.lha_indices(), ncv, param.raw_value(), # generate a helpful template for a user specification of coupling orders order_statement = 'Order: {' + ','.join([ + ': Any' for order in model.all_orders]) + '}' # collect all particles of the model for an example process section all_particles = [s_particle(p) for p in model.all_particles] all_particles = ",".join([str(p.kf_code()) for p in all_particles if not (p.is_goldstone() or p.is_ghost())]) with open(run_card_path, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(run_card_template.substitute(model=model, model_name=model_name, ufo_params=ufo_params, order_statement=order_statement, all_particles=all_particles))