from copy import deepcopy from tensor import tensor from templates import lorentz_calc_template from code_snippets import * from lorentz_structures import C,Gamma,Gamma5,Metric,P,ProjM,ProjP,Epsilon,Identity,mink_metric,is_ffv,is_vvv from ufo_exception import ufo_exception from sympy import Eq class s_lorentz(object): # Here we store tensor representations # of the coupling structures. Keys are # the 'structure' strings in the # corresponding UFO lorentz class. # Do this, because computing the # tensor representations is expensive. tensor_cache = dict() def __init__(self,ufo_lorentz): self.ufo_lorentz = ufo_lorentz self._key_spin_dict = dict() self._key_tens_dict = dict() self._ferm_partner_dict = dict() for key,spin in enumerate(self.ufo_lorentz.spins): self._key_spin_dict[key] = spin self._key_tens_dict[key] = get_in_current_tens(key,spin) if not self.has_ghosts() else None # for fermions, find the fermion flow partner, i.e. the next fermion in the list if (spin == 2) and not (key in self._ferm_partner_dict.values()): for key2 in range(key+1, len(self.ufo_lorentz.spins)): if self.ufo_lorentz.spins[key2] == 2: self._ferm_partner_dict[key] = key2 break # now assume that UFO vertices are arranged such that _ferm_partner_dict.keys() are # all 'bar' type spinors and _ferm_partner_dict.values() are 'non-bar', i.e. # fermion flow always continuous through 'adjacent' fermions in the 'spins' list for key in self._ferm_partner_dict.keys(): assert(key not in self._ferm_partner_dict.values()) # store fermionic keys for convenience self._ferm_keys = [key for key,spin in self._key_spin_dict.iteritems() if spin==2] self._n_ferms = len(self._ferm_keys) def n_ext(self): return len(self.ufo_lorentz.spins) def write(self, path, ferm_optimize=False): with open(path+"/"+self.c_name(), "w") as outfile: outfile.write(lorentz_calc_template.substitute(vertex_name = self.calc_class_name(), implementation = self.get_all_implementations(ferm_optimize))) # map to old hard-wired calculators if possible def mapped_name(self): if hasattr(self, '_mapped_name'): return self._mapped_name # is_ffv cannot differentiate between ffv and # similar structures with arbitrary scalars # attached, so check here for correct spin structure if (sorted(self.ufo_lorentz.spins) == sorted([2,2,3])) and is_ffv(self.get_cpl_tensor()): self._mapped_name = "FFV" # similarly, is_vvv can't tell if we have scalars attached elif (self.ufo_lorentz.spins == [3,3,3]) and is_vvv(self.get_cpl_tensor()): self._mapped_name = "VVV" else: self._mapped_name =None return self.mapped_name() # name of the C++ file for a corresponding # calculator def c_name(self): return".C" def name(self): return # name of the C++ calculator class in the def calc_class_name(self): return def has_ghosts(self): return any([spin<0 for spin in self.ufo_lorentz.spins]) def spins(self): return self.ufo_lorentz.spins # Get a tensor representation of the lorentz coupling structure. # If possible, pull from cache since creating it is expensive def get_cpl_tensor(self): if not self.ufo_lorentz.structure in s_lorentz.tensor_cache: s_lorentz.tensor_cache[self.ufo_lorentz.structure] = eval(self.ufo_lorentz.structure) return s_lorentz.tensor_cache[self.ufo_lorentz.structure] def get_all_implementations(self,ferm_optimize): imp = "" # for each key i, create one calculator # corresponding to key i outgoing for i in range(self.n_ext()): imp += "\n// if outgoing index is {0}\n".format(i) imp += "if (p_v->V()->id.back()=={0}){{\n".format(i) imp += self.get_implementation(i,ferm_optimize) imp += "\n}\n" return imp def get_case_dicts(self, keys, dict_list=None): if dict_list==None: dict_list = [] if (len(keys) == 0): return dict_list key = keys.pop() assert(key in self._ferm_keys) if (len(dict_list)==0): return self.get_case_dicts(keys,[{key:1}, {key:2}, {key:3}]) else: tmp = [] for dct in dict_list: dct.update({key:1}) tmp.append(deepcopy(dct)) dct.update({key:2}) tmp.append(deepcopy(dct)) dct.update({key:3}) tmp.append(deepcopy(dct)) return self.get_case_dicts(keys,tmp) def get_key_index_dict(self, out_key): # ufo--vertex rotated version # 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 1 # \ \ / / \ \ / / # \ \ / / \ \ / / # XXX XXX # | | # | | # | | # 5 2 # out_key # # Via the index keys of the ufo vertex, it is # rotiationally invariant. Just need to make sure # we give the tensor representation of the # external currents the appropriate keys, according # to the rotation we're looking at. # In the above example, the 0th external current at the rotated # vertex must get key '3'. Need a dict {key:index}. # Since starting at 0 is more convenient in python and c, # rather use a dict {key-1:index} and make sure we add # a 1 to each key when constructing a tensor representation. num_ext = self.n_ext() assert(out_key in range(num_ext)) # Python 2.7 or later: # return { i:(i+(num_ext-1-out_key))%(num_ext) for i in range(num_ext)} ret = dict() for i in range(num_ext): ret[i] = (i+(num_ext-1-out_key))%(num_ext) return ret # are external momenta required for writing out # lorentz coupling structure: determine from UFO string def needs_external_momenta(self): return "P(" in self.ufo_lorentz.structure def get_implementation(self, out_key, ferm_optimize): ferm_opt = (len(self._ferm_keys) > 0) if ferm_optimize else False assert((not self.has_ghosts())) imp = "" key_index_dict = self.get_key_index_dict(out_key) out_spin = self._key_spin_dict[out_key] out_tens = self._key_tens_dict[out_key] in_keys = [ key for key in self._key_spin_dict.keys() if key!=out_key ] # declare incoming currents and momenta for key in in_keys: imp += get_in_current_declaration(self._key_spin_dict[key], key, key_index_dict[key], 1 if (key in self._ferm_partner_dict.keys()) else -1) if self.needs_external_momenta(): imp += get_in_mom_declaration(key, key_index_dict[key]) # declare and initialize outgoing momentum if self.needs_external_momenta(): imp += get_out_mom_declaration(out_key, key_index_dict) # declare the return value, i.e. outgoing current imp += get_out_current_declaration(out_spin, out_key) # optimized version for massless spinors: # can ask Comix via the 'C_Spinor::On()' # method, which components are nonzero: # (x,x,0,0)::On() = 1 # (0,0,x,x)::On() = 2 # (x,x,x,x)::On() = 3 # Now create one calculator for each of # the possible combinations of incoming # external 'On' values. Use binary rep. # of an integer to identify a specific # cobination. E.g. three incoming spinors: # case_id = spinor_1.On()+spinor_2.On()*4+spinor_3.On()*16 in_ferm_keys = [key for key in self._ferm_keys if key!=out_key] case_dicts = self.get_case_dicts(deepcopy(in_ferm_keys)) if ferm_opt else [{}] if ferm_opt: imp += "switch({0}){{\n".format(self.construct_case_id(in_ferm_keys)) for case_dict in case_dicts: if (len(case_dicts)>1): imp += "case {0}:\n".format(self.get_case_id(case_dict)) # tensor representing coupling struct # to be contracted with ext. wavefct. cpl = deepcopy(self.get_cpl_tensor()) # contract incoming wavefct's with the cpl tensor for key in in_keys: tens = deepcopy(self._key_tens_dict[key]) # for massless spinor optimization: assume # only two components are nonzero according # to the value stored in the dict if key in case_dict: if case_dict[key] == 1 : tens._array[2] = tensor([0], None) tens._array[3] = tensor([0], None) elif case_dict[key] == 2 : tens._array[0] = tensor([0], None) tens._array[1] = tensor([0], None) cpl = cpl * (tens) # check if contraction of external tensors with # coupling tensor yields desired outgoing tensor type assert(cmp(cpl.key_dim_dict(),out_tens.key_dim_dict())==0) # is the return tensor arithmetically zero? return_zero = self.is_zero(out_spin, cpl) # initialize the return value if not return_zero: out_bar_type = 1 if out_key not in self._ferm_partner_dict.keys() else -1 imp += get_out_current_initialization(out_spin, out_key, cpl, out_bar_type) # set the 'S' property if not return_zero: imp += "j{0}->SetS(j{1}.S()".format(out_key,in_keys[0]) for k in in_keys[1:]: imp += "|j{0}.S()".format(k) imp += ");\n" imp += "return j{0};\n".format(out_key) # close the switch statement if ferm_opt: imp += "default:\n THROW(fatal_error, \"Massless spinor optimization error in Lorentz calculator\");\n" imp += "}\n" return imp def construct_case_id(self,in_ferm_keys): ret = "" for key in in_ferm_keys: ret += "+(j{0}.On()<<({1}))".format(key,key*2) return ret def get_case_id(self,case_dict): ret = 0 for key, on in case_dict.iteritems(): ret += on << (key*2) return ret # check if a return value tensor is zero for perfomance optimizations def is_zero(self, out_spin, out_tensor): if out_spin == 1: return out_tensor._array[0]==0.0 return all([(out_tensor._array[i]._array[0]==0.0) for i in range(len(out_tensor._array))])