#include "HADRONS++/Current_Library/VA_F_F.H" #include "METOOLS/Main/XYZFuncs.H" #include "ATOOLS/Org/My_MPI.H" using namespace std; using namespace HADRONS; using namespace ATOOLS; using namespace METOOLS; VA_F_F::FF_Base::~FF_Base() { } void VA_F_F::SetModelParameters( struct GeneralModel _md ) { m_cR = Complex(0.,_md("v",1.)+_md("a",-1.)); m_cL = Complex(0.,_md("v",1.)-_md("a",-1.)); switch( int(_md("V_A_FORM_FACTOR", 1)+0.5) ) { case 1: p_ff = NULL; msg_Tracking()<<"Using no form factor for "<ff(q2); } Vec4C amp; for(int h0=0; h0<2; h0++) { for(int h1=0; h1<2; h1++) { // the first current index in the decay channel file has to be the // "barred spinor" (for the !m_anti case), the second the non-barred one amp=factor*F.L(0,h0, 1,h1, m_cR,m_cL); vector > spins; spins.push_back(make_pair(0,h0)); spins.push_back(make_pair(1,h1)); Insert( amp ,spins ); } } } DEFINE_CURRENT_GETTER(VA_F_F,"VA_F_F") void ATOOLS::Getter:: PrintInfo(std::ostream &st,const size_t width) const { st<<"Example: $ (B) \\rightarrow (D) l \\nu_l $ \n\n" <<"Order: 0 = bar'ed spinor, 1 = non-bar'ed spinor \n\n" <<"\\[\\bar{u}(p_0) \\gamma_\\mu [ v-a\\gamma_5 ] u(p_1) \\] \n\n" <