# SHERPA run card for tW-channel single top-quark production at MC@NLO # and N_f = 5 # collider setup BEAMS: 2212 BEAM_ENERGIES: 6500 # me generator settings ME_GENERATORS: [Comix, Amegic, OpenLoops] # scales # mu = transverse momentum of the top SCALES: VAR{MPerp2(p[3])}{MPerp2(p[3])}{MPerp2(p[3])} # disable hadronic W decays HARD_DECAYS: Enabled: true Channels: 24 -> 2 -1: {Status: 0} 24 -> 4 -3: {Status: 0} -24 -> -2 1: {Status: 0} -24 -> -4 3: {Status: 0} # choose EW Gmu input scheme EW_SCHEME: 3 # required for using top-quark/W-boson in ME PARTICLE_DATA: 6: {Width: 0} 24: {Width: 0} PROCESSES: - 93 93 -> 6 -24: No_Decay: -6 # remove ttbar diagrams NLO_Mode: MC@NLO NLO_Order: {QCD: 1, EW: 0} Order: {QCD: 1, EW: 1} ME_Generator: Amegic RS_ME_Generator: Comix Loop_Generator: OpenLoops