# If Sherpa-config is not in your $PATH, change this variable to point to your # Sherpa installation directory manually SHERPA_PREFIX ?= $(shell Sherpa-config --prefix) # compiler CXX = $(shell Sherpa-config --cxx) CXXCPP = $(shell Sherpa-config --cxx) # add SHERPA_LIBS to LD_LIBRARY PATH environment variable before executing the binary SHERPA_INCLUDE = $(SHERPA_PREFIX)/include/SHERPA-MC SHERPA_LIBS = $(SHERPA_PREFIX)/lib/SHERPA-MC all: test @echo "Please set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to" $(shell Sherpa-config --libdir) test: test.o $(CXX) test.o -L$(SHERPA_LIBS) -lMEProcess -lToolsOrg -lToolsMath -lToolsPhys -lSherpaMain -lPhasicProcess -o test test.o: test.cpp $(CXXCPP) -std=c++11 -fPIC -I$(SHERPA_INCLUDE) -o test.o -c test.cpp install: test clean: rm -f test test.o