//========================================================================== // This file has been automatically generated for C++ // MadGraph5_aMC@NLO v. 2.5.1, 2016-11-04 // By the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team // Visit launchpad.net/madgraph5 and amcatnlo.web.cern.ch //========================================================================== #ifndef Parameters_sm_H #define Parameters_sm_H #include #include "read_slha.h" using namespace std; class Parameters_sm { public: static Parameters_sm * getInstance(); // Define "zero" double zero, ZERO; // Model parameters independent of aS double mdl_WH, mdl_WW, mdl_WZ, mdl_WT, mdl_ymtau, mdl_ymt, mdl_ymb, aS, mdl_Gf, aEWM1, mdl_MH, mdl_MZ, mdl_MTA, mdl_MT, mdl_MB, mdl_conjg__CKM3x3, mdl_CKM3x3, mdl_conjg__CKM1x1, mdl_MZ__exp__2, mdl_MZ__exp__4, mdl_sqrt__2, mdl_MH__exp__2, mdl_aEW, mdl_MW, mdl_sqrt__aEW, mdl_ee, mdl_MW__exp__2, mdl_sw2, mdl_cw, mdl_sqrt__sw2, mdl_sw, mdl_g1, mdl_gw, mdl_vev, mdl_vev__exp__2, mdl_lam, mdl_yb, mdl_yt, mdl_ytau, mdl_muH, mdl_ee__exp__2, mdl_sw__exp__2, mdl_cw__exp__2; std::complex mdl_complexi, mdl_I1x33, mdl_I2x33, mdl_I3x33, mdl_I4x33; // Model parameters dependent on aS double mdl_sqrt__aS, G, mdl_G__exp__2; // Model couplings independent of aS std::complex GC_1, GC_3, GC_50, GC_58, GC_59; // Model couplings dependent on aS std::complex GC_11; // Set parameters that are unchanged during the run void setIndependentParameters(SLHAReader& slha); // Set couplings that are unchanged during the run void setIndependentCouplings(); // Set parameters that are changed event by event void setDependentParameters(); // Set couplings that are changed event by event void setDependentCouplings(); // Print parameters that are unchanged during the run void printIndependentParameters(); // Print couplings that are unchanged during the run void printIndependentCouplings(); // Print parameters that are changed event by event void printDependentParameters(); // Print couplings that are changed event by event void printDependentCouplings(); private: static Parameters_sm * instance; }; #endif // Parameters_sm_H