#ifndef DIRE__Shower__Lorentz_II_H #define DIRE__Shower__Lorentz_II_H #include "DIRE/Shower/Lorentz.H" namespace DIRE { class Lorentz_II: public Lorentz { protected: double Jacobian(const Splitting &s) const; double PDFEstimate(const Splitting &s) const; public: Lorentz_II(const Kernel_Key &k); int Construct(Splitting &s,const int mode) const; bool Cluster(Splitting &s,const int mode) const; };// end of class Lorentz_II class Lorentz_II_123: public Lorentz_II { protected: double Jacobian(const Splitting &s) const; public: Lorentz_II_123(const Kernel_Key &k); int Construct(Splitting &s,const int mode) const; bool Cluster(Splitting &s,const int mode) const; void SetMS(ATOOLS::Mass_Selector *const ms); bool Allowed(const Splitting &s) const; };// end of class Lorentz_II_123 }// end of namepsace DIRE #endif