#ifndef CSSHOWER_Showers_SF_Coupling_H
#define CSSHOWER_Showers_SF_Coupling_H

#include "CSSHOWER++/Showers/SF_Key.H"
#include "ATOOLS/Org/Getter_Function.H"
#include "ATOOLS/Phys/Flavour.H"

namespace CSSHOWER {

  class SF_Lorentz;

  class SF_Coupling {

    SF_Lorentz *p_lf;

    cstp::code m_type;
    double     m_cplfac, m_last;

    int        m_kfmode;
      * m_cplmax[i] = max_{scale} Coupling(scale, i)
    std::vector<double> m_cplmax;


    SF_Coupling(const SF_Key &key);

    virtual ~SF_Coupling();

    virtual bool SetCoupling(MODEL::Model_Base *md,
			     const double &k0sqi,const double &k0sqf,
			     const double &isfac,const double &fsfac) = 0;

    //! Subclasses can return true if they support alternative couplings to be used (e.g. for reweighting)
    virtual bool AllowsAlternativeCouplingUsage() const { return false; }
     * Use an alternative coupling
     * @param cpl See subclass implementation(s) for the accepted pointer type.
     * @param sf An optional scale factor, see subclass implementations for the
     * concrete meaning of this argument.
     * Passing NULL ends the use of the alternative coupling.
    virtual void SetAlternativeUnderlyingCoupling(void * cpl, double sf=1.0) {}

    virtual double Coupling(const double &scale,const int pol) = 0;
    virtual bool AllowSpec(const ATOOLS::Flavour &fl,const int mode=0) = 0;

    //! Last unpolarized coupling value
    double Last() const { return m_last; }

    //! Set last unpolarized coupling value
    void SetLast(double last) { m_last = last; }

    virtual double CplFac(const double &scale) const;

    inline double MaxCoupling(const int mode) const { return m_cplmax[mode]; }

    inline void SetLF(SF_Lorentz *const lf) { p_lf=lf; }

    inline double CplFac() const { return m_cplfac; }

    inline double Last() { return m_last; }


  typedef ATOOLS::Getter_Function<SF_Coupling,SF_Key,
				  std::less<std::string> > SFC_Getter;

  // NOTE: SFC_Filler_Key/Getter allow for specifying SF_Coupling Getters
  // (SFC_Getter) during run-time; this is triggered via calling
  // SVC_Filler_Getter's GetObject in Sudakov::InitSplittingFunctions.
  // This usage is highly unintuitive (and should probably be refactored),
  // therefore we document it here.

  struct SFC_Filler_Key {
    const MODEL::Model_Base *p_md;
    std::vector<SFC_Getter*> *p_gets;
    inline SFC_Filler_Key(const MODEL::Model_Base *const md,
			  std::vector<SFC_Getter*> *const gets):
      p_md(md), p_gets(gets) {}

  typedef ATOOLS::Getter_Function
  <void,SFC_Filler_Key,std::less<std::string> > SFC_Filler_Getter;


  class NAME: public ATOOLS::Getter_Function				\
  <SF_Coupling,SF_Key,std::less<std::string> > {			\
  protected:								\
    void PrintInfo(std::ostream &str,const size_t width) const;		\
    Object_Type *							\
      operator()(const Parameter_Type &parameters) const;		\
  public:								\
    NAME(const std::string &name):					\
      ATOOLS::Getter_Function<SF_Coupling,SF_Key,			\
      std::less<std::string> >(name) {}					\
