#ifndef BEAM_Main_Monochromatic_H #define BEAM_Main_Monochromatic_H #include "BEAM/Main/Beam_Base.H" namespace BEAM { class Monochromatic : public Beam_Base { public: Monochromatic(const ATOOLS::Flavour,const double,const double,const int); Beam_Base * Copy(); ATOOLS::Flavour Remnant(); bool CalculateWeight(const double,const double); double Weight(ATOOLS::Flavour=ATOOLS::Flavour(kf_none)); bool On() { return 0; } }; /*! \file \brief contains the class BEAM::Monochromatic. */ /*! \class Monochromatic \brief This class is for no beam spectra, i.e. monochromatic beams. In the unpolarized case, the weight will be exactly one, otherwise it should be given by \f[ {\cal W} = \frac{\lambda_{\rm in}+\lambda_{\rm out}}{2}\,, \f] where both \f$\lambda_{\rm in,out}$\f are the polarization degrees of the incoming and outgoing particle. \todo This is still to be implemented ! */ /*! \fn Monochromatic::Monochromatic(const ATOOLS::Flavour,const double,const double,const int) This is the constructor of the class. Vectors are constructed through a call to the constructor of the Beam_Base. */ /*! \fn Beam_Base * Monochromatic::Copy() Returns an exact copy of this class. */ /*! \fn bool Monochromatic::CalculateWeight(const double,const double) No weight is calculated so far. */ /*! \fn double Monochromatic::Weight(ATOOLS::Flavour=ATOOLS::Flavour(kf_none)) The weight is returned. It has been initialised in the constructor. */ } #endif