#include "exp.h" #include "regex_yaml.h" #include "regeximpl.h" #include "stream.h" #include "yaml-cpp/exceptions.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "yaml-cpp/mark.h" namespace SHERPA_YAML { const std::string ScanVerbatimTag(Stream& INPUT) { std::string tag; // eat the start character INPUT.get(); while (INPUT) { if (INPUT.peek() == Keys::VerbatimTagEnd) { // eat the end character INPUT.get(); return tag; } int n = Exp::URI().Match(INPUT); if (n <= 0) break; tag += INPUT.get(n); } throw ParserException(INPUT.mark(), ErrorMsg::END_OF_VERBATIM_TAG); } const std::string ScanTagHandle(Stream& INPUT, bool& canBeHandle) { std::string tag; canBeHandle = true; Mark firstNonWordChar; while (INPUT) { if (INPUT.peek() == Keys::Tag) { if (!canBeHandle) throw ParserException(firstNonWordChar, ErrorMsg::CHAR_IN_TAG_HANDLE); break; } int n = 0; if (canBeHandle) { n = Exp::Word().Match(INPUT); if (n <= 0) { canBeHandle = false; firstNonWordChar = INPUT.mark(); } } if (!canBeHandle) n = Exp::Tag().Match(INPUT); if (n <= 0) break; tag += INPUT.get(n); } return tag; } const std::string ScanTagSuffix(Stream& INPUT) { std::string tag; while (INPUT) { int n = Exp::Tag().Match(INPUT); if (n <= 0) break; tag += INPUT.get(n); } if (tag.empty()) throw ParserException(INPUT.mark(), ErrorMsg::TAG_WITH_NO_SUFFIX); return tag; } }