#include "ATOOLS/Org/Command_Line_Interface.H"

#include "ATOOLS/Org/Option_Parser.H"
#include "ATOOLS/Org/Exception.H"

// include the actual definition of command line options
// NOTE: go to this header if you want to modify or add options
#include "ATOOLS/Org/Command_Line_Options.H"

#include <numeric>
#include <cstring>

using namespace ATOOLS;

Command_Line_Interface::Command_Line_Interface(int argc, char* argv[])
  // skip program name argv[0] if present
  if (argc > 0) {

  Parse(argc, argv);

void Command_Line_Interface::Parse(int argc, char* argv[])
  // prepare static memory for parser operations
  const auto allow_mixing_options_and_nonoptions = true;
  Option_Parser::Stats  stats(allow_mixing_options_and_nonoptions,
                              argc, argv);
  std::vector<Option_Parser::Option> options(stats.options_max);
  std::vector<Option_Parser::Option> buffer(stats.buffer_max);

  // parse arguments
  Option_Parser::Parser parser(allow_mixing_options_and_nonoptions,
                               argc, argv,
                               &options.front(), &buffer.front());

  if (parser.error()) {
    msg_Error() << "Command line syntax error.\n";

  if (options[HELP]) {

  if (options[VERSION]) {
    msg_Out() << "Sherpa version "
              << SHERPA_VERSION << "." << SHERPA_SUBVERSION
              << " (" << SHERPA_NAME << ")" << std::endl;

  // parse parameters; order matters here, we want to give options precedence
  // over non-options
  bool success(true);
  success = (ParseNoneOptions(parser) && success);
  success = (ParseOptions(options)    && success);

  if (!success) {


bool Command_Line_Interface::ParseOptions(
    std::vector<Option_Parser::Option> &options)
  bool success(true);

  // check unknown
  if (options[UNKNOWN]) {
    for (Option_Parser::Option* opt = options[UNKNOWN];
         opt = opt->next()) {
      msg_Error() << "ERROR: Unknown option: '" << opt->name << "'"
                  << std::endl;
    success = false;

  // fill parameter->value map
  typedef String_Option_Map::const_iterator It;
  for (It it(parameter_index_map.begin());
      it != parameter_index_map.end();
      ++it) {
    const char* clivalue(options[it->second].last()->arg);
    std::string finalvalue;
    if (clivalue) {
      finalvalue = std::string(clivalue);
    } else if (options[it->second].last()->type() == DISABLE) {
      finalvalue = "0";
    } else if (options[it->second].last()->type() == ENABLE) {
      finalvalue = "1";
    if (finalvalue != "")
      m_yamlstream << it->first << ": " << finalvalue << "\n";

  return success;

bool Command_Line_Interface::ParseNoneOptions(Option_Parser::Parser& parser)
  String_Map legacysyntaxtags;
  auto didfinddyamltags = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < parser.nonOptionsCount(); ++i) {
    auto nonOption = StringTrim(parser.nonOption(i));

    // find legacy-syntax tag specifications
    const auto pos = nonOption.find(":=");
    if (pos != std::string::npos) {
      const auto tagname = nonOption.substr(0, pos);
      const auto tagvalue = nonOption.substr(pos + 2);
      legacysyntaxtags[tagname] = tagvalue;
    } else if (nonOption.substr(0, 4) == "TAGS") {
      didfinddyamltags = true;

    // convert legacy-delimiter '=' into yaml-delimiter ':'
    const auto equalpos = nonOption.find('=');
    const auto colonpos = nonOption.find(':');
    if (equalpos != std::string::npos && colonpos == std::string::npos) {
      nonOption[equalpos] = ':';

    // convert ":" into ": ", as this allows to specify tags on the command
    // line without spaces (and hence potentially without quotation marks);
    // if necessary, add curly braces, if several scopes are used, e.g.
    // "A:B: {C: D}" -> "A: {B: {C: D}}"
    size_t num_scopes = 0;
    size_t last_colonpos = std::string::npos;
    for (size_t colonpos = nonOption.find(':');
         colonpos != std::string::npos;
         colonpos = nonOption.find(':', colonpos+1)) {
      if (colonpos == nonOption.size() - 1)
        // ignore ':' on the
      if (nonOption[colonpos+1] == ':'
          || nonOption[colonpos+1] == ' '
          || nonOption[colonpos+1] == '['
          || nonOption[colonpos+1] == '{') {
      if (num_scopes > 0) {
        // retro-actively insert an opening curly brace
        nonOption.replace(last_colonpos, 2, ": {");
      nonOption.replace(colonpos, 1, ": ");
      last_colonpos = colonpos;
    if (num_scopes > 1)
      nonOption.append(num_scopes - 1, '}');

    m_yamlstream << nonOption << '\n';

  if (!legacysyntaxtags.empty()) {
    // first guard against mixed yaml/legacy tag specifications
    if (didfinddyamltags) {
          << "You can not specify tags on the command line"
          <<  " using both the yaml-style \"TAGS: {X: Y}\" and the legacy-style"
          <<  " \"X:=Y\" syntaxes. Please only use one kind of syntax.\n";
    m_yamlstream << "TAGS: {";
    bool first = true;
    for (const auto tag : legacysyntaxtags) {
      if (first)
        first = false;
        m_yamlstream << ", ";
      m_yamlstream << tag.first << ": " << tag.second;
    m_yamlstream << "}\n";

  return true;

void Command_Line_Interface::PrintUsageAndExit()
  msg_Out() << std::endl;
  int columns = getenv("COLUMNS") ? atoi(getenv("COLUMNS")) : 80;
  Option_Parser::printUsage(msg_Out(), usage, columns);