# Copyright (c) 2012 The MadGraph Development team and Contributors
# This file is a part of the MadGraph 5 project, an application which 
# automatically generates Feynman diagrams and matrix elements for arbitrary
# high-energy processes in the Standard Model and beyond.
# It is subject to the MadGraph license which should accompany this 
# distribution.
# For more information, please visit: http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be
""" This part is not part of the UFO Model but only of MG5 suite. 
This files defines how the restrict card can be build automatically """ 

import models.build_restriction_lib as build_restrict_lib
all_categories = []

first_category = build_restrict_lib.Category('sm customization')

first_category.add_options(name='light mass = 0 (u d s c e mu)', # name
                           default=True,        # default
                           rules=[('MASS',[1], 0.0),
                                  ('MASS',[2], 0.0),
                                  ('MASS',[3], 0.0),
                                  ('MASS',[11], 0.0),                 
                                  ('MASS',[13], 0.0)]

first_category.add_options(name='b mass = 0',
                           rules=[('MASS',[5], 0.0)]

first_category.add_options(name='tau mass = 0',
                           rules=[('MASS',[15], 0.0)]

sec_category = build_restrict_lib.Category('mssm customization')

sec_category.add_options(name='diagonal usqmix matrices',
                           default=False,        # default
                           rules=[('USQMIX',[1,1], 1.0),
                                  ('USQMIX',[2,2], 1.0),
                                  ('USQMIX',[3,3], 1.0),
                                  ('USQMIX',[4,4], 1.0),
                                  ('USQMIX',[5,5], 1.0),
                                  ('USQMIX',[6,6], 1.0),
                                  ('USQMIX',[3,6], 0.0),
                                  ('USQMIX',[6,3], 0.0)]

sec_category.add_options(name='diagonal dsqmix matrices',
                           default=False,        # default
                           rules=[('DSQMIX',[1,1], 1.0),
                                  ('DSQMIX',[2,2], 1.0),
                                  ('DSQMIX',[3,3], 1.0),
                                  ('DSQMIX',[4,4], 1.0),
                                  ('DSQMIX',[5,5], 1.0),
                                  ('DSQMIX',[6,6], 1.0),
                                  ('DSQMIX',[3,6], 0.0),
                                  ('DSQMIX',[6,3], 0.0)]

sec_category.add_options(name='diagonal selmix matrices',
                           default=False,        # default
                           rules=[('SELMIX',[1,1], 1.0),
                                  ('SELMIX',[2,2], 1.0),
                                  ('SELMIX',[3,3], 1.0),
                                  ('SELMIX',[4,4], 1.0),
                                  ('SELMIX',[5,5], 1.0),
                                  ('SELMIX',[6,6], 1.0),
                                  ('SELMIX',[3,6], 0.0),
                                  ('SELMIX',[6,3], 0.0)]