#ifndef METOOLS_Loops_Master_Integrals_H #define METOOLS_Loops_Master_Integrals_H #include "ATOOLS/Math/MyComplex.H" #include "METOOLS/Loops/Divergence_Array.H" // set global renormalisation scale as backup to m_Z^2 #define GLOBAL_RENORMALISATION_SCALE 8315.251344 namespace METOOLS { //! dimension D=4-2epsilon inline DivArrD D() { return DivArrD(0.,0.,0.,4.,-2.,0.); } #define D D() /*! Convention on input: - \f$ p_i^2 \f$ labels the squared outer momenta - \f$ m_i^2 \f$ labels the masses of the internal lines - \f$ s_{ij}=(p_i + p_j)^2 \f$ - \f$ \mu^2 \f$ labels the renormalisation scale Convention on output: - array with the following entries [0] - \f$ \sim \frac{1}{\epsilon_{UV}} \f$ [1] - \f$ \sim \frac{1}{\epsilon_{IR}} \f$ [2] - \f$ \sim \frac{1}{\epsilon_{IR}^2} \f$ [3] - \f$ \sim 1 \f$ [4] - \f$ \sim \epsilon \f$ [5] - \f$ \sim \epsilon^2 \f$ All terms \f$ \sim \epsilon/\epsilon^2 \f$ are currently not calculated. This is suitable for 1-loop integrals, but nothing beyond. */ //! A_0(m2;mu2) DivArrC Master_Tadpole(const Complex&, double); //! B_0(s12;m02,m12;mu2) DivArrC Master_Bubble(const double&, const Complex&, const Complex&, double); //! C_0(p12,p22,s12;m02,m12,m22;mu2) DivArrC Master_Triangle(const double&, const double&, const double&, const Complex&, const Complex&, const Complex&, double); //! D_0(p12,p22,p32,p43,s12,s23;m12,m22,m32,m42;mu2) DivArrC Master_Box(const double&, const double&, const double&, const double&, const double&, const double&, const Complex&, const Complex&, const Complex&, const Complex&, double); } #endif