Measurement of transverse momentum and total cross section of e+e− pairs in the Z-boson region of 66GeV/c2<mee<116GeV/c2 from pbar-p collisions at √s=1.8 TeV, with the Tevatron CDF detector. The Z p⊥, in a fully-factorised picture, is generated by the momentum balance against initial state radiation (ISR) and the primordial/intrinsic p⊥ of the Z's parent partons in the incoming hadrons. The Z p⊥ is important in generator tuning to fix the interplay of ISR and multi-parton interactions (MPI) in generating `underlying event' activity. This analysis is subject to ambiguities in the experimental Z pT definition, since the Rivet implementation reconstructs the Z momentum from the dilepton pair with finite cones for QED bremstrahlung summation, rather than non-portable direct use of the (sometimes absent) Z in the event record.