Rivet.AnalysisHandler: INFO Using named weights Rivet.Analysis.MC_JETS: WARN Jet mass2 is negative: -0.000761847 GeV^2. Truncating to 0.0, assuming numerical precision is to blame. Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I930220: WARN Failed to scale histo=/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d08-x01-y01 in analysis: ATLAS_2011_I930220 (invalid scale factor = inf) Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I930220: WARN Failed to scale histo=/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d09-x01-y01 in analysis: ATLAS_2011_I930220 (invalid scale factor = inf) Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I930220: WARN Failed to scale histo=/ATLAS_2011_I930220/d10-x01-y01 in analysis: ATLAS_2011_I930220 (invalid scale factor = inf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please cite the publications listed in 'References.tex'. Extract the bibtex list by running 'get_bibtex References.tex' or email the file to 'slaclib2@slac.stanford.edu', subject 'generate'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MCnet usage guidelines apply to Rivet: see http://www.montecarlonet.org/GUIDELINES Please acknowledge Rivet in results made using it, and cite https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.05451