Plots from Rivet analyses

Multi-jet cross-sections in charged current $e^{\pm} p$ scattering at HERA (ZEUS_2008_I780108)

Inspire | HepData | arXiv:0802.3955 | Phys. Rev. D78 (2008) 032004

Jet cross sections were measured in charged current deep inelastic $e^{\pm}p$ scattering at high boson virtualities $Q^2$ with the ZEUS detector at HERA II using an integrated luminosity of $0.36 fb^{-1}$. Differential cross sections are presented for inclusive-jet production as functions of $Q^2$, Bjorken x and the jet transverse energy and pseudorapidity. The dijet invariant mass cross section is also presented. Observation of three- and four-jet events in charged-current $e^{\pm}p$ processes is reported for the first time. The predictions of next-to-leading-order (NLO) QCD calculations are compared to the measurements. The measured inclusive-jet cross sections are well described in shape and normalization by the NLO predictions. The data have the potential to constrain the u and d valence quark distributions in the proton if included as input to global fits.
