from __future__ import division from ufo_interface.s_particle import s_particle from ufo_interface.s_coupling import s_coupling from ufo_interface.s_lorentz import s_lorentz from ufo_interface.s_color import s_color from ufo_interface.ufo_exception import ufo_exception spin_dict = {0 : "S", 1 : "F", 2 : "V", 4 : "T"} translate = {"SVV" : "VVS", "SFF" : "FFS"} # UFO vertices may have multiple couplings which might have different # coupling orders. Split the vertex up into subvertices such that each # of them has well defined coupling orders. Return a list of s_vertex # instances. Hierarchy is a list of strings, identifying the hierarchy # of coupling orders, e.g. hierarchy = ['QCD','QED',...] def split_by_orders(ufo_vertex, hierarchy): # we want couplings, lorentz, and colour # structures in flat list, such that # complete cpl structure of vertex # is \sum_i cpl_list[i]*lor_list[i]*col_list[i] cpl_list = [] col_list = [] lor_list = [] for col_ind in range(len(ufo_vertex.color)): for lor_ind in range(len(ufo_vertex.lorentz)): if (col_ind, lor_ind) in ufo_vertex.couplings: cpl_list.append(s_coupling(ufo_vertex.couplings[(col_ind, lor_ind)])) lor_list.append(s_lorentz (ufo_vertex.lorentz [lor_ind]) ) col_list.append( ufo_vertex.color [col_ind] ) #col_list.append(s_color (ufo_vertex.color [col_ind]) ) ret = [] assert(len(cpl_list)>0) while (len(cpl_list)>0): cur_vertex = s_vertex(ufo_vertex,hierarchy) cur_cpl = cpl_list.pop(-1) cur_cpl_list = [cur_cpl ] cur_lor_list = [lor_list.pop(-1)] cur_col_list = [col_list.pop(-1)] for i in range(len(cpl_list)-1,-1,-1): if cur_cpl.ufo_coupling.order == cpl_list[i].ufo_coupling.order: cur_cpl_list.append(cpl_list.pop(i)) cur_lor_list.append(lor_list.pop(i)) cur_col_list.append(col_list.pop(i)) cur_vertex.set_coupling_list(cur_cpl_list) cur_vertex.set_colour_list(cur_col_list) cur_vertex.set_lorentz_list(cur_lor_list) ret.append(cur_vertex) return ret class s_vertex(): def __init__(self, _ufo_vertex, hierarchy): self._ufo_vertex = _ufo_vertex self._coupling_list = [] self._lorentz_list = [] self._colour_list = [] # Hierarchy is a list of strings, identifying # an ordering of coupling orders, e.g. # hierarchy = ['QCD','QED',...] self._hierarchy = hierarchy assert(len(self._hierarchy)>=2) assert(self._hierarchy[0]=='QCD' and self._hierarchy[1]=='QED') def set_coupling_list(self, cpl_list): self._coupling_list = cpl_list def set_lorentz_list(self, lor_list): self._lorentz_list = lor_list def set_colour_list(self, col_list): self._colour_list = col_list def lorentz_type(self): ret = [s_particle(part).spin_times_two() for part in self._ufo_vertex.particles] ret.sort() ret = "".join([ spin_dict[val] for val in ret ]) return ret if not ret in list(translate.keys()) else translate[ret] def name(self): return def particles(self): return [s_particle(part) for part in self._ufo_vertex.particles] # Return a list of coupling orders # corresponding to the strings in 'order_ids' # that identify the orders relevant in the model, # e.g. order_ids = ['QCD','QED',...] def orders(self): # take an arbitrary element, since coupling # orders should be equal for all couplings cpl = self.coupling_list()[0] return [cpl.order(string) for string in self._hierarchy] def has_ghosts(self): return any([ part.spin_times_two()<0 for part in self.particles()]) def has_goldstones(self): return any([ part.is_goldstone() for part in self.particles()]) def coupling_list(self): return self._coupling_list def colour_list(self): return self._colour_list def lorentz_list(self): return self._lorentz_list class vertex_collection(object): def __init__(self, vertex_list, id_string): self._vertex_list = vertex_list self._id_string = id_string def implementation_string(self): indent = "\n " string = indent+"void {0} () {{".format(self._id_string) indent += " " for vert in self._vertex_list: string += (indent + "m_v.push_back(Single_Vertex());") for part in vert.particles(): string += (indent + "m_v.back().AddParticle( ATOOLS::Flavour((kf_code){0},{1}) );" .format(abs(part.kf_code()),0 if part.kf_code()>0 else 1)) for cpl in vert.coupling_list(): string += ( indent + "m_v.back().cpl.push_back( ATOOLS::Kabbala(\"{0}\",ComplexConstant(string(\"{0}\"))) );" .format( for col in vert.colour_list(): # stupid '1' needs to be replaced by some string placeholder col = 'None()' if col == '1' else col string += (indent + 'm_v.back().Color.push_back(UFO::UFO_CF("{0}"));' .format(col.replace('(','_').replace(')','_').replace('-','m').replace(',','_').replace('*','').rstrip('_'))) for lor in vert.lorentz_list(): string += (indent + "m_v.back().Lorentz.push_back(\"{0}\");" .format( orders = vert.orders() string += indent + "m_v.back().order.resize({0});".format(len(orders)) for i in range(len(orders)): string += indent + "m_v.back().order[{0}] = {1};".format(i,orders[i]) indent = indent[:-2] string += indent + "}" return string def call_string(self): return "\n {0}();".format(self._id_string)