from __future__ import division from ufo_interface.templates import color_calc_template from ufo_interface.color_structures import T, replacer_T, f, Identity, IdentityG from ufo_interface.tensor import color_key class s_color(object): def __init__(self,ufo_color): self.ufo_color = ufo_color self.unique_id = self.ufo_color.replace('(','_').replace(')','_').replace('-','m').replace(',','_').replace('*','').rstrip('_') self._tens = None def name(self): return self.unique_id def c_name(self): return self.unique_id+'.C' def original_keys(self): """Get the original keys of the tensor representation before replacing gluon keys by pairs of quark keys""" # This attribute is set in the get_cpl_tensor method if not hasattr(self, "_original_keys"): self.get_cpl_tensor() return self._original_keys def get_cpl_tensor(self): """Get a tensor representation of the color coupling structure.""" # Instead of setting up a class-wide cache, just store the # tensor as a member variable. Tensor can become large and # memory intensive, so we want to get rid of it along with its # s_color instance as soon as it gets destroyed. if self._tens is None: self._tens = eval(self.ufo_color) self._original_keys = list(self._tens.keys()) # In order to translate to color-flow representation: For # each gluon-key, multiply with T of matching key. Thereby # swap gluon key for two fundamental keys gluon_keys = [key for key,dim in self._tens.key_dim_dict().items() if dim==8] for gk in gluon_keys: # 'gk' will be replaced by str(gk)+'0' and str(gk)+'1', # i.e. gluon with key 2 replaced by keys "20" and "21" self._tens = self._tens*replacer_T(gk, color_key(str(gk)+'0', 'fu', mapped=gk), color_key(str(gk)+'1', 'af', mapped=gk)) return self._tens def entries_string(self): return self.print_entries('m_cfacs',self.get_cpl_tensor()) def print_entries(self,tag, tens): """Generate code lines 'm_cfacs[i0][i1][i2]...[ix]=value' that set the color factors of an array representing the color structure""" # End of recursion: just append value to tag or skip if zero if tens._elementary: value = complex(tens._array[0]) # If the color factor is zero, the assigment can be # omitted as all values are assigned to zero initially if (abs(value.real)<1.0e-12) and (abs(value.imag)<1.0e-12): return '' value = 'std::complex({0:1.20e},{1:1.20e})'.format(value.real, value.imag) return tag + '=' + value + ';\n' # Dereference toplevel and continue recursively ret = '' for i in range(tens._toplevel_dim): ret += self.print_entries(tag+'[{0}]'.format(i), tens[{tens._toplevel_key:i}]) return ret def array_declaration_string(self): """Generate a string that initialises the color factor array representing the color structure""" kdd = self.get_cpl_tensor().key_dim_dict() ikd = self.get_cpl_tensor().index_key_dict() assert(len(ikd)==len(kdd)) ret = ''.join(['[{0}]'.format(kdd[ikd[i]]) for i in range(len(ikd))]) return ret def array_init_string(self): kdd = self.get_cpl_tensor().key_dim_dict() ikd = self.get_cpl_tensor().index_key_dict() assert(len(ikd)==len(kdd)) ret = "{"*len(ikd)+" std::complex(0.0,0.0) "+"}"*len(ikd) return ret def cfs_string(self): ret = '' out_keys = self.original_keys() kdd = self.get_cpl_tensor().key_dim_dict() ikd = self.get_cpl_tensor().index_key_dict() for k in out_keys: ret += "\ncase {0}:\n".format(k.key-1) # Find all keys in the actual coupling tensor that belong # to this original key (can be two if the original key # belongs to gluon) mapped_keys = [k0 for k0 in list(self.get_cpl_tensor().keys()) if k0.mapped_key==k] assert(len(mapped_keys) in [1,2]) # If outgoing quark or antiquark if len(mapped_keys)==1: mk = mapped_keys[0] ret += "for(size_t i(0); i<{0}; i++)\n".format(kdd[mk]) aid = "" for i in range(len(ikd)): if ikd[i] == mk: aid += '[i]' else: aid += '[(*j[m_inds[{0}]])({1})-1]'.format(ikd[i].mapped_key.key-1, 0 if ikd[i].rep=='fu' else 1) ret += 'if(m_cfacs{2}!=0.0)\nm_c.push_back(CInfo({0},{1},m_cfacs{2}));\n'.format("i+1"if mk.rep=='af' else "0", "i+1"if mk.rep=='fu' else "0", aid) # If outgoing gluon elif len(mapped_keys)==2: mk0 = mapped_keys[0] mk1 = mapped_keys[1] ret += "for(size_t i(0); i<{0}; i++)\n".format(kdd[mk0]) ret += "for(size_t m(0); m<{0}; m++)\n".format(kdd[mk1]) aid = "" for i in range(len(ikd)): if ikd[i] == mk0: aid += '[i]' elif ikd[i] == mk1: aid += '[m]' else: aid += '[(*j[m_inds[{0}]])({1})-1]'.format(ikd[i].mapped_key.key-1, 0 if ikd[i].rep=='fu' else 1) assert(mk0.rep=='af' or mk1.rep=='af') assert(mk0.rep=='fu' or mk1.rep=='fu') ret += 'if(m_cfacs{2}!=0.0)\nm_c.push_back(CInfo({0},{1},m_cfacs{2}));\n'.format("i+1" if mk0.rep=='af' else "m+1", "m+1" if mk1.rep=='fu' else "i+1", aid) ret +='break;\n' ret += "\ndefault:\n" aid = ''.join(['[(*j[m_inds[{0}]])({1})-1]'.format(ikd[i].mapped_key.key-1, 0 if ikd[i].rep=='fu' else 1) for i in range(len(ikd))]) ret += 'if(m_cfacs{0}!=0.0)\nm_c.push_back(CInfo(0,0,m_cfacs{0}));\n'.format(aid) return ret def write(self, path): with open(path+"/"+self.c_name(), "w") as outfile: outfile.write(color_calc_template.substitute(color_name =, array_declaration = self.array_declaration_string(), array_init = self.array_init_string(), array_vals = self.entries_string(), get_cfs = self.cfs_string()))