#ifndef DIRE__Shower__Shower_H
#define DIRE__Shower__Shower_H

#include "DIRE/Tools/Parton.H"
#include "DIRE/Shower/Kernel.H"
#include "DIRE/Tools/Amplitude.H"
#include "ATOOLS/Phys/Weights.H"

namespace ATOOLS {
  class QCD_Variation_Params;
namespace MODEL {
  class Model_Base;
  class Running_AlphaS;
namespace PDF {
  class PDF_Base;
  class ISR_Handler;

namespace DIRE {

  class Cluster_Definitions;

  class Shower {

    struct Reweight_Args {
      Splitting *m_s;
      int m_acc;
      Reweight_Args(Splitting *const s,const int acc):
	m_s(s), m_acc(acc) {}
    };// end of struct Reweight_Args
    struct JetVeto_Args {
      ATOOLS::Cluster_Amplitude *p_ampl;
      double m_jcv;
      int m_acc, m_nlo;
      std::vector<int> m_skip;
      JetVeto_Args(ATOOLS::Cluster_Amplitude *const ampl,
		   const double &jcv,const size_t &n):
	p_ampl(ampl), m_jcv(jcv), m_acc(0), m_skip(n,0) {}
    };// end of struct JetVeto_Args
    typedef std::map<ATOOLS::Flavour,Kernel_Vector> SKernel_Map;

    typedef std::map<ATOOLS::Flavour,Kernel*> EKernel_Map;
    typedef std::map<ATOOLS::Flavour,EKernel_Map> SEKernel_Map;
    typedef std::map<int,SEKernel_Map> Kernel_Map;


    // set up a C array wrapper used to hold a table of cumulative integrals in
    // GeneratePoint
    // rows: kernels allowed by the splitter
    // cols: possible spectators
    // NOTE: by using (encapsulated) C arrays we can avoid using vectors of
    // vectors in the hot-spot function GeneratePoint
    struct CumulativeIntegralTable {
      CumulativeIntegralTable() : nrows {0}, ncols {0} {};
      CumulativeIntegralTable(int _nrows, int _ncols) :
        nrows{_nrows}, ncols {_ncols}
        sumsizes = new int[nrows];
        spects = new size_t[nrows*ncols];
        sums = new double[nrows*ncols];
      CumulativeIntegralTable& operator=(CumulativeIntegralTable&& other)
        if (this == &other)
          return *this;
        if (nrows > 0) {
          delete[] sumsizes;
          delete[] spects;
          delete[] sums;
        nrows = other.nrows;
        ncols = other.ncols;
        sumsizes = other.sumsizes;
        spects = other.spects;
        sums = other.sums;
        other.nrows = 0;
        return *this;
      ~CumulativeIntegralTable() {
        if (nrows > 0) {
          delete[] sumsizes;
          delete[] spects;
          delete[] sums;
      void Clear(int row) { sumsizes[row] = 0; }
      int Size(int row) { return sumsizes[row]; }
      double Sum(int row, int col) { return sums[row*ncols + col]; }
      size_t Spect(int row, int col) { return spects[row*ncols + col]; }
      double LastSum(int row) { return sums[row*ncols + sumsizes[row] - 1]; }
      double LastSpect(int row) { return spects[row*ncols + sumsizes[row] - 1]; }
      void AppendSumAndSpect(int row, double sum, size_t spect) {
        const auto idx = row*ncols + sumsizes[row];
        sums[idx] = sum;
        spects[idx] = spect;
      int nrows, ncols;
      int* sumsizes;
      size_t* spects;
      double* sums;

    CumulativeIntegralTable m_sums;

    MODEL::Model_Base *p_model;
    PDF::PDF_Base     *p_pdf[2];

    MODEL::Running_AlphaS *p_as;

    Cluster_Definitions *p_cluster;

    ATOOLS::Weights_Map m_weightsmap;
    bool m_reweight;

    Kernel_Vector m_cks;
    SKernel_Map   m_sks;
    Kernel_Map    m_kmap;

    double m_tmin[2], m_rewtmin, m_cplfac[2], m_rsf, m_fsf;
    double m_weight, m_oef, m_pdfmin[2], m_rcf, m_tcef;

    int m_kin, m_kfac, m_cpl, m_mec;

    unsigned int m_maxem, m_maxpart;

    void AddKernel(Kernel *const k);

    void AddWeight(const Amplitude &a,const double &t);

    Splitting GeneratePoint(Parton &p,const double &t,
			    const int &cm,const unsigned int &nem);
    Splitting GeneratePoint(const Amplitude &a,const double &t,
			    const unsigned int &nem);

    void Reweight(ATOOLS::QCD_Variation_Params* params,
                  size_t varindex,
                  const Reweight_Args& a);




    bool Init(MODEL::Model_Base *const,
	      PDF::ISR_Handler *const);

    void SetMS(const ATOOLS::Mass_Selector *const ms);

    int Evolve(Amplitude&, unsigned int& nem);

    double GetXPDF(const double &x,const double &Q2,
		   const ATOOLS::Flavour &fl,const int b) const;

    Kernel *GetKernel(const Splitting &s,const int mode) const;

    int RemnantTest(Parton *const c,const ATOOLS::Vec4D &p);

    inline MODEL::Model_Base *Model() const { return p_model; }

    inline MODEL::Running_AlphaS *const &AlphaS() const { return p_as; }

    inline double TMin(const int i) const { return m_tmin[i]; }

    inline double CplFac(const int i) const { return m_cplfac[i]; }

    inline double PDFMin(const int i) const { return m_pdfmin[i]; }

    inline double GetWeight() const { return m_weight; }
    inline const ATOOLS::Weights_Map& GetWeightsMap() const
      return m_weightsmap;

    inline int KFactorScheme() const  { return m_kfac; }
    inline int CouplingScheme() const { return m_cpl;  }

    inline int KinematicsScheme() const { return m_kin; }

    inline int MECorrection() const { return m_mec; }

    inline double MuR2Factor() const { return m_rsf; }

  };//end of class Shower

}// end of namespace DIRE
