import sys import re import os import yaml import argparse print('WARNING : This is intended as a first step to reduce manual work in the conversion.') print('WARNING : The conversion will be incomplete in most cases, so use with care.') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='translate .dat runcard into new .yaml file') parser.add_argument('-f',default='Run.dat',type=str,help='run card filepath',dest='rcpath') parser.add_argument('-o',default='Sherpa.yaml',type=str,help='outfile filepath',dest='outpath') args = parser.parse_args() def qcd_order(order): if(order=='*'): return 'Any' else: return order class runcard(): def __init__(self, rcin, rcout): self.tags = {'TAGS' : {}} self.hard_decays = {'HARD_DECAYS' : {}} self.particle_data = {'PARTICLE_DATA' : {}} self.options = {} self.process = {'PROCESSES' : []} self.selectors = {'SELECTORS' : []} self.datafile = rcin self.outfile = rcout self.uniformed = self.uniform_dat_file() self.yaml_runcard = {'tags' : self.tags, 'hard_decays' : self.hard_decays, 'particle_data' : self.particle_data, 'options' : self.options, 'processes' : self.process, 'selectors' : self.selectors} def uniform_dat_file(self): ''' Uniform Run.dat file to a single readable format. This function takes care of mis-conventions: notably more definitions on a single line, or non space after ';' in a single line. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- string returns uniformed runcard ''' uniformed_text = '' for l in open(self.datafile): if(l[l.find(';')+1] is not ' '): l = l.replace(';','; ') endendline = l.replace('; ',';\n').strip(' ') uniformed_text = uniformed_text+endendline return uniformed_text def get_tags(self,line): ''' extract TAGNAME:=TAGVALUE from line extract TAGNAME:=TAGVALUE from line. Parameters ---------- arg2 : str the line of a runcard Returns ------- void appends to self.tags the founded tags. ''' search_tags = re.compile('\:=', re.X) if( l_list = line.split(':=') tagname, tagval = l_list[0], l_list[1].rstrip(';') # the new format allows only for ranges and not # for comma-separated fields in LJETS if(tagname=='LJET'): if(tagval.find(',')!=-1): ini,fnl = tagval.split(',')[0], tagval.split(',')[-1] tagval = ini+'-'+fnl self.tags['TAGS'][tagname] = tagval return def get_options(self, line): line = line.replace('\'','') try: oname = line.rstrip(';').split(' ')[0] if (oname=='CKKW' or oname=='CKKW-L'): return oval = line.rstrip(';').split(' ')[1:] # if more than one option (like for ME_GENERATORS) take # full list, otherwise only first element if len(oval) > 1: if '=' in oval: oval = oval[1] self.options[oname] = oval else: self.options[oname] = oval[0] except IndexError: oname = line.rstrip(';').split('=')[0] oval = line.rstrip(';').split('=')[1:] if len(oval) > 1: if '=' in oval: oval = oval[1] self.options[oname] = oval else: self.options[oname] = oval[0] def get_process(self): for proclist in re.findall('processes(.*?)processes', self.uniformed, re.S): for procline in re.findall('Process (.*?)End process', proclist, re.S): process_entry = {'dummy procdef': {}} procline = procline.replace('\n\n','\n').replace(';','') for l in iter(procline.splitlines()): par_info = None try: par_info = [r for r in re.findall('\{(.*?)\}', l, re.S)][-1]; except IndexError: pass if l.find('->')!=-1: procdef = l; if(par_info): procdef = l.replace(par_info,'$('+par_info+ ')') process_entry[procdef] = process_entry['dummy procdef'] del process_entry['dummy procdef'] continue if l.find('Order')!=-1: # assumes no model coupling (like HEFT) orders = l.split(' ')[1].strip('\(\)').split(',') process_entry[list(process_entry.keys())[0]]['Order'] = {'QCD':qcd_order(orders[0]),'EW':orders[1]}; continue if l.find('CKKW')!=-1: process_entry[list(process_entry.keys())[0]]['CKKW'] = '$(QCUT)' continue # above are all the common options, all other # options may be applied only to a given (or a range of) # multiplicity, this info is saved in par_info. if(par_info): if(par_info == 'LJET'): par_info = '$('+par_info+ ')' # the new format allows only for ranges and not # for comma-separated fields if(par_info.find(',')!=-1): ini,fnl = par_info.split(',')[0], par_info.split(',')[-1] par_info = ini+'-'+fnl entry = l.split(' ')[1] if(entry in self.tags['TAGS']): entry = '$('+entry+ ')' try: process_entry[list(process_entry.keys())[0]][par_info][l.split(' ')[0]] = entry except (KeyError,AttributeError): process_entry[list(process_entry.keys())[0]][par_info] = dict({l.split(' ')[0]:entry}) continue else: entry = l.split(' ')[1] if(entry in self.tags['TAGS']): entry = '$('+entry+ ')' process_entry[list(process_entry.keys())[0]][l.split(' ')[0]] = entry self.process['PROCESSES'].append(process_entry) def get_selectors(self): for selline in re.findall('selector(.*?)selector', self.uniformed, re.S): print('WARNING : Selectors have for now to be done manually') def contruct_particle_data(self): ''' Look inside loaded options, and construct particle data info Search for MASSIVE, MASS, ACTIVE, WIDTH or STABLE keywords and contruct the relevant particle data info Parameters ---------- Returns ------- void fills self.particle_data ''' pd_keywords = 'MASSIVE MASS ACTIVE WIDTH STABLE'.split(' ') pnumbers = set([r.lstrip('[').rstrip(']') for r in re.findall('\[\d+\]', self.uniformed, re.S)]); if(not pnumbers): return for pn in pnumbers: self.particle_data['PARTICLE_DATA'][pn] = {} options_to_be_removed = [] for o in self.options: if(o.startswith(tuple(pd_keywords))): onumber = [r for r in re.findall('\[\d+\]', o, re.S)][0] p_property = o.replace(onumber, '').split(' ')[0][0] + o.replace(onumber, '').split(' ')[0][1:].lower() p_value = self.options[o] onumber = onumber.lstrip('[').rstrip(']') self.particle_data['PARTICLE_DATA'][onumber][p_property] = p_value options_to_be_removed.append(o) for o in options_to_be_removed: self.options.pop(o) def translate_beams(self): try: self.options['BEAMS'] = [self.options['BEAM_1'], self.options['BEAM_2']] self.options['BEAM_ENERGIES'] = [self.options['BEAM_ENERGY_1'], self.options['BEAM_ENERGY_2']] old_beams = 'BEAM_1 BEAM_2 BEAM_ENERGY_1 BEAM_ENERGY_2'.split(' ') for o in old_beams: self.options.pop(o) except KeyError: self.options['BEAMS'] = [self.options['BEAM_1'][0], self.options['BEAM_2'][0]] self.options['BEAM_ENERGIES'] = [self.options['BEAM_1'][1], self.options['BEAM_2'][1]] old_beams = 'BEAM_1 BEAM_2'.split(' ') for o in old_beams: self.options.pop(o) def construct_hard_decays(self): # this may not be exhaustive hdc_old_options = 'HARD_DECAYS HARD_MASS_SMEARING'.split(' ') hdc_new_options = 'Enabled Mass_Smearing'.split(' ') for i_hdc in range(len(hdc_old_options)): try: o_hdc = hdc_old_options[i_hdc] n_hdc = hdc_new_options[i_hdc] self.hard_decays['HARD_DECAYS'][n_hdc] = self.options[o_hdc] self.options.pop(o_hdc) except KeyError: return def translate(self): ''' translate the loaded runcard Extended description of function. Parameters ---------- arg1 : int Description of arg1 arg2 : str Description of arg2 Returns ------- int Description of return value ''' all_capital_regex = re.compile('^[A-Z]+(?:_[A-Z,0-9]+)*[\s,\[,=]',re.X) for l in iter(self.uniformed.splitlines()): self.get_tags(l) if( self.get_options(l); # translate beams in new format self.translate_beams() # Extract process info self.get_process() # Extract selector info self.get_selectors() # Extract all other options (that are all-capital words + underscore combinations and or numbers) self.contruct_particle_data() self.construct_hard_decays() with open(self.outfile,'w') as out: for it in self.yaml_runcard: yaml.safe_dump(self.yaml_runcard[it],stream=out,indent=4, allow_unicode=False,default_flow_style=False) rc = runcard(args.rcpath, args.outpath) rc.translate()