# should be a large number, such that a phase-space point is found which EWSud # considers to be in the high-energy limit and hence calculates non-trivial # coefficients EVENTS: 1k # use very large beam energies such that the high-energy limit is easily met BEAM_ENERGIES: 5000000.0 # use a stricter high-energy limit to avoid edge cases where individual # invariants are not that large EWSUD: CHECKINVARIANTRATIOS: true CHECK: true RANDOM_SEED: 1 PRETTY_PRINT: Off TAGS: SCALETAG: sqr(91.2) PDF_LIBRARY: None SCALES: VAR{$(SCALETAG)}{$(SCALETAG)} SHOWER_GENERATOR: None FRAGMENTATION: None MI_HANDLER: None ME_QED: None BEAM_REMNANTS: false KFACTOR: EWSud EVENT_GENERATION_MODE: W MODEL: SMGold ME_GENERATORS: [Comix] # for comparisons with Denner:2000jv ALPHAS(MZ): 0.1188 ORDER_ALPHAS: 1 EW_SCHEME: 0 SIN2THETAW: 0.22356