#ifndef PHOTONS_Tools_Weight_Dipole_H
#define PHOTONS_Tools_Weight_Dipole_H
#include "ATOOLS/Math/Vector.H"
#include "PHOTONS++/Tools/Weight_Base.H"
namespace PHOTONS {
class Weight_Dipole: public Weight_Base {
ATOOLS::Particle_Vector m_olddipole;
ATOOLS::Particle_Vector m_newdipole;
ATOOLS::Particle_Vector m_softphotons;
virtual void CalculateWeight();
virtual void CalculateMax();
double SMod(const ATOOLS::Vec4D&, const ATOOLS::Vec4D&,
const ATOOLS::Vec4D&);
Weight_Dipole(const ATOOLS::Particle_Vector&,
const ATOOLS::Particle_Vector&,
const ATOOLS::Particle_Vector&,
virtual ~Weight_Dipole();
\file Weight_Dipole.H
\brief contains the class Weight_Dipole
\class Weight_Dipole
\brief calculates \f$ W_{dipole} \f$ of the event given
// Description of the variables for Weight_Dipole
\var Particle_Vector Weight_Dipole::m_olddipole
\brief contains all charged particles before the treatment (\f$ K=0 \f$ event)
\var Particle_Vector Weight_Dipole::m_newdipole
\brief contains all charged particles after the treatment
\var Particle_Vector Weight_Dipole::m_softphotons
\brief contains all bremsstrahlung photons generated in the event
// Description of the member methods for Weight_Dipole
\fn Weight_Dipole::Weight_Dipole(const Particle_Vector, const Particle_Vector, const Particle_Vector, Dipole_Type::code)
\brief initialises all variales and calculates the weights
The values to be passed are the multipole before the treatment, after the treatment, the generated photons and the Dipole_Type.
Calls Weight_Dipole::CalculateWeight() and Weight_Dipole::CalculateMax() to calculate the weight and its maximum. The latter value is the contribution to the maximum total weight as well as the maximum of \f$ W_{dipole} \f$ by itself.
\fn void Weight_Dipole::CalculateWeight()
\brief calculates the weight of the event
The weight is \f$ W_{dipole} = \prod_{i=1}^{n_\gamma}\frac{\tilde{S}(p,P,k_i)}{\tilde{S}(p,Q,k_i)} \f$
with \f$ \tilde{S}(k) = \sum\limits_{iWeight_Dipole::SMod(const Vec4D, const Vec4D, const Vec4D) to calculate \f$ \tilde{S} \f$.
\fn void Weight_Dipole::CalculateMax()
\brief calculates the maximum weight of the configuration
The maximum weight is \f$ W_{dipole,max} = 1 \f$.
\fn double Weight_Dipole::SMod(const Vec4D, const Vec4D, const Vec4D)
\brief calculates the eikonal factor in \f$ \tilde{S}_{ij} \f$
The arguments are \f$ p_1 \f$, \f$ p_2 \f$ and \f$ k_i \f$.
The value returned is \f$ \left(\frac{p_1}{(p_1\cdot k_i)}-\frac{p_2}{(p_2\cdot k_i)}\right)^2 \f$.