#ifndef PDF_Main_PDF_Electron_H
#define PDF_Main_PDF_Electron_H
#include "PDF/Main/PDF_Base.H"
namespace PDF {
class PDF_Electron : public PDF_Base {
double m_mass;
double m_alpha,m_beta;
double m_xpdf;
int m_izetta,m_order,m_init;
PDF_Electron(const ATOOLS::Flavour,const int,const int);
~PDF_Electron() {}
PDF_Base * GetCopy();
void CalculateSpec(const double&,const double&);
double GetXPDF(const ATOOLS::Flavour&);
double GetXPDF(const kf_code&, bool);
bool EWOn() { return true; }
\class PDF_Electron
\brief This is a pure QED structure function for an electron or, more general, for a lepton.
This class houses the QED structure function for an electron, or, more general, charged
leptons in the parametrization of
It is based on the leading log
approximation leading to exponentiation including further higher order terms up to
\f${\cal O}(\alpha^3)\f$ in the electromagnetic coupling constant. Furthermore, different
exponentiation schemes are available, see also
\var double PDF_Electron::m_alpha
The electromagnetic coupling constant, taken at the scale at which the structure
function is to be evaluated.
\var double PDF_Electron::m_beta
The characteristic exponent of the lepton PDF. It is given by
\beta = \alpha(m_l^2)/\pi (\log(E^2/m_l^2)-1)
\var double PDF_Electron::m_mass
The mass of the lepton.
\var int PDF_Electron::m_order
The order in alpha for the caluclation of the structure function.
\var int PDF_Electron::m_izetta
The \f$\zeta\f$-scheme for the definition of how the logarithms enter the exponentiation.
\fn PDF_Electron::PDF_Electron(const ATOOLS::Flavour,const int,const int)
The constructor, initializes all constant parameters for evaluation in Calculate.
\fn PDF_Base * PDF_Electron::GetCopy()
A method to initialize another electron PDF as exact copy of the current one.
This is needed for the initial state shower of APACIC.
\fn void PDF_Electron::CalculateSpec(const double&, const double&);
Here, the following expression is evaluated:
f(x,Q^2) = \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
- \frac{\beta_H}{4}(1+x)
- \frac{\beta_H^2}{32}
\left[\frac{1+3x^2}{1-x}\log(x) + 4(1+x)\log(1-x)+5+x\right]\\
- \frac{\beta_H^3}{384}
(1+x)\left(6\mbox{\rm Li}_2(x)+12\log^2(1-x)-3\pi^2\right) \right.\\
+ \frac{1}{1-1x}\left(\frac{3(1+8x+3x^2)}{2}\log(x)
+ 6(x+5)(1-x)\log(1-x)
+12(1+x^2)\log(x)\log(1-x) \right.\\
where a number of choices are possible for the various \f$\beta\f$.
L = 2\log\frac{Q}{m_e}\;,\;\;
\beta_e = \frac{2\alpha (L-1)}{\pi}\;,\;\;
\eta = \frac{2\alpha L}{\pi}
for various values of \f$\zeta\f$ (m_izetta) the \f$\beta\f$ are given by:
\zeta = \left\{
\begin{array}{l} 0 \\ 1 \\ \mbox{\rm else}\end{array}
\begin{array}{l} \beta = \beta_e\,,\;\; \beta_H = \beta_S = \eta\,,\\
\beta = \beta_S = \beta_e\,,\;\; \beta_H = \eta\,,\\
\beta = \beta_S = \beta_H = \beta_e\,.
The above expression for \f$f(x,Q^2)\f$ is valid for
x\in [0,0.9999]\,,
and the pdf weight yields
{\cal W}(x,Q^2) = x f(x,Q^2)\,.
x\in [0.9999,0.999999]
the pdf is replaced by
{\cal W}(x,Q^2) = x f(x,Q^2)\cdot \frac{100^{\beta/2}}{100^{\beta/2}-1}\,.
For higher $x$ values a zero is returned. Hence, the modification for the high \f$x\f$
range basically amounts to moving a good portion of the contributions from the potentially
numerically instable region close to 1 to a lower range.
#endif // PDF_Electron_H