#ifndef PDF_Main_PDF_Electron_H #define PDF_Main_PDF_Electron_H #include "PDF/Main/PDF_Base.H" namespace PDF { class PDF_Electron : public PDF_Base { double m_mass; double m_alpha,m_beta; double m_xpdf; int m_izetta,m_order,m_init; public: PDF_Electron(const ATOOLS::Flavour,const int,const int); ~PDF_Electron() {} PDF_Base * GetCopy(); void CalculateSpec(const double&,const double&); double GetXPDF(const ATOOLS::Flavour&); double GetXPDF(const kf_code&, bool); bool EWOn() { return true; } }; /*! \class PDF_Electron \brief This is a pure QED structure function for an electron or, more general, for a lepton. This class houses the QED structure function for an electron, or, more general, charged leptons in the parametrization of . It is based on the leading log approximation leading to exponentiation including further higher order terms up to \f${\cal O}(\alpha^3)\f$ in the electromagnetic coupling constant. Furthermore, different exponentiation schemes are available, see also . */ /*! \var double PDF_Electron::m_alpha The electromagnetic coupling constant, taken at the scale at which the structure function is to be evaluated. */ /*! \var double PDF_Electron::m_beta The characteristic exponent of the lepton PDF. It is given by \f[ \beta = \alpha(m_l^2)/\pi (\log(E^2/m_l^2)-1) \f] */ /*! \var double PDF_Electron::m_mass The mass of the lepton. */ /*! \var int PDF_Electron::m_order The order in alpha for the caluclation of the structure function. */ /*! \var int PDF_Electron::m_izetta The \f$\zeta\f$-scheme for the definition of how the logarithms enter the exponentiation. */ /*! \fn PDF_Electron::PDF_Electron(const ATOOLS::Flavour,const int,const int) The constructor, initializes all constant parameters for evaluation in Calculate. */ /*! \fn PDF_Base * PDF_Electron::GetCopy() A method to initialize another electron PDF as exact copy of the current one. This is needed for the initial state shower of APACIC. */ /*! \fn void PDF_Electron::CalculateSpec(const double&, const double&); Here, the following expression is evaluated: \f[ \begin{array}{l} f(x,Q^2) = \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \end{array} \begin{array}{l} (1-x)^{\frac{\beta}{2}-1}\cdot \frac{\beta\exp\left(\frac12\Gamma_E*\beta+\frac38\beta_S\right)}{2\gamma}\\ - \frac{\beta_H}{4}(1+x) - \frac{\beta_H^2}{32} \left[\frac{1+3x^2}{1-x}\log(x) + 4(1+x)\log(1-x)+5+x\right]\\ - \frac{\beta_H^3}{384} \left[\vphantom{\frac32} (1+x)\left(6\mbox{\rm Li}_2(x)+12\log^2(1-x)-3\pi^2\right) \right.\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; + \frac{1}{1-1x}\left(\frac{3(1+8x+3x^2)}{2}\log(x) + 6(x+5)(1-x)\log(1-x) +12(1+x^2)\log(x)\log(1-x) \right.\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\left.\left. +12(1+x^2)\log(x)\log(1-x) -\frac{1+7x^2}{2}\log^2(x) +\frac{39-24x-15x^2}{4}\right)\right]\,, \end{array} \f] where a number of choices are possible for the various \f$\beta\f$. Defining \f[ L = 2\log\frac{Q}{m_e}\;,\;\; \beta_e = \frac{2\alpha (L-1)}{\pi}\;,\;\; \eta = \frac{2\alpha L}{\pi} \f] for various values of \f$\zeta\f$ (m_izetta) the \f$\beta\f$ are given by: \f[ \zeta = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 0 \\ 1 \\ \mbox{\rm else}\end{array} \begin{array}{l} \beta = \beta_e\,,\;\; \beta_H = \beta_S = \eta\,,\\ \beta = \beta_S = \beta_e\,,\;\; \beta_H = \eta\,,\\ \beta = \beta_S = \beta_H = \beta_e\,. \end{array}\right. \f] The above expression for \f$f(x,Q^2)\f$ is valid for \f[ x\in [0,0.9999]\,, \f] and the pdf weight yields \f[ {\cal W}(x,Q^2) = x f(x,Q^2)\,. \f] For \f[ x\in [0.9999,0.999999] \f] the pdf is replaced by \f[ {\cal W}(x,Q^2) = x f(x,Q^2)\cdot \frac{100^{\beta/2}}{100^{\beta/2}-1}\,. \f] For higher $x$ values a zero is returned. Hence, the modification for the high \f$x\f$ range basically amounts to moving a good portion of the contributions from the potentially numerically instable region close to 1 to a lower range. */ } #endif // PDF_Electron_H