#ifndef MODEL_Main_Running_AlphaQED_H #define MODEL_Main_Running_AlphaQED_H #include "ATOOLS/Phys/Flavour.H" #include "ATOOLS/Math/Function_Base.H" namespace MODEL { class Running_AlphaQED : public ATOOLS::Function_Base { const static double m_A[4],m_B[4],m_C[4]; double m_alpha0; double PiGamma(const ATOOLS::Flavour &, double); public: Running_AlphaQED(const double); double operator()(double); double AqedThomson() { return m_alpha0; } void PrintSummary(); }; extern Running_AlphaQED * aqed; /*! \class Running_AlphaQED \brief The class for the (running) electromagnetic coupling constant. This is an implementation of the electromagnetic coupling constant by R. Kleiss et al. with the hadronic component by H. Burkhardt et al.. */ /*! \var const static double Running_AlphaQED::m_A[4] The \f$A_i\f$ parameters needed to calculate the hadronic component of \f$\alpha_{QED}\f$ \f[A_0 = 0.0,\; A_1 = 0.0,\; A_2 = 0.00165,\; A_3 = 0.00221\,.\f] */ /*! \var const static double Running_AlphaQED::m_B[4] The \f$A_i\f$ parameters needed to calculate the hadronic component of \f$\alpha_{QED}\f$ \f[B_0 = 0.00835,\; B_1 = 0.00238,\; B_2 = 0.00299,\; B_3 = 0.00293\,.\f] */ /*! \var const static double Running_AlphaQED::m_C[4] The \f$A_i\f$ parameters needed to calculate the hadronic component of \f$\alpha_{QED}\f$ \f[C_0 = 1.0,\; C_1 = 3.927,\; C_2 = 1.0,\; C_3 = 1.0\f] */ /*! \var double Running_AlphaQED::m_alpha0 \f$\alpha_{QED}\f$ in the Thomson limit, \f[\alpha^{(0)}_{QED} = 1/137.03599976\,.\f] */ /*! \fn double Running_AlphaQED::PiGamma(const ATOOLS::Flavour &, double) With the mass of the particle and the scale the vacuum polarization is given by \f[\Pi_\gamma(m^2,s)] = \left\{ \begin{array}{lcl} -5/3-\log(m^2/s)\;& \;\mbox{\rm if}\;& \; 4m^2/s<10^{-3}\\ 1/3-(1+2m^2/s) \left[2+\sqrt{1-4m^2/s}\cdot \log\frac{1-\sqrt{1-4m^2/s}}{1+\sqrt{1-4m^2/s}}\right] \;&\;\mbox{\rm if}\;&\; 4m^2/s<1\\ 0\;& \;\mbox{\rm if}\;& \; 4m^2/s\ge 1 \end{array} \right.\f] */ /*! \fn Running_AlphaQED::Running_AlphaQED(const double); Initialises \f$\alpha_{QED}\f$ with the value at scale t=0 */ /*! \fn double Running_AlphaQED::operator()(double); Returns the value for running \f$\alpha_{QED}\f$. \f[\alpha_{QED}(Q^2) = \frac{\alpha^{(0)}_{QED}}{1-\sigma}\,,\f] where \f[\sigma = \sigma_{\rm lepton} + \sigma_{\rm hadron} + \sigma_{\rm top}\f] The leptonic component is given by \f[\sigma_{\rm lepton}(Q^2) = \sum\limits_{l=e^-,\mu^-,\tau^-} \frac{\alpha^{(0)}_{QED}}{3\pi}\cdot\Pi_\gamma(l,Q^2)\,.\f] \f[\sigma_{\rm hadron}(Q^2) = A[i] + B[i] \log\left(1+C[i]\cdot Q^2\right)\,.\f] \f[\sigma_{\rm top}(Q^2) = \frac{\alpha^{(0)}_{QED}}{3\pi}\cdot\Pi_\gamma(t,Q^2)\,.\f] */ /*! \fn double Running_AlphaQED::AqedThomson() Returns \f$\alpha_{QED}\f$ in the Thomson limit. */ } #endif