# collider setup BEAMS: 2212 BEAM_ENERGIES: 6500 # settings matrix-element generation ME_GENERATORS: - Comix - Amegic - OpenLoops COMIX_DEFAULT_GAUGE: 0 # scale setting SCALES: METS{0.25*sqr(80.352+91.153)} # width 0 for the stable vector bosons in the hard matrix element PARTICLE_DATA: 24: Width: 0 23: Width: 0 WIDTH_SCHEME: Fixed # speed and neg weight fraction improvements NLO_CSS_PSMODE: 2 # vector boson production part pp -> WZ PROCESSES: # leading order - 93 93 -> 24 23: Order: {QCD: 0, EW: 2} # NLO QCD corrections NLO_Mode: MC@NLO NLO_Order: {QCD: 1, EW: 0} ME_Generator: Amegic RS_ME_Generator: Comix Loop_Generator: OpenLoops # vector boson decays HARD_DECAYS: Enabled: true Channels: 24,12,-11: {Status: 2} 23,13,-13: {Status: 2} # settings for polarized cross sections Pol_Cross_Section: Enabled: true Reference_System: [Lab, COM]