EVENTS: 500k EVENT_GENERATION_MODE: Weighted ME_GENERATORS: Comix # Analysis (please configure with -DSHERPA_ENABLE_RIVET=ON & -DSHERPA_ENABLE_HEPMC3=ON) ANALYSIS: Rivet ANALYSIS_OUTPUT: Analysis/HTp_Variations/RS/ # NTuple output (please configure with '-DSHERPA_ENABLE_ROOT=ON') EVENT_INPUT: EDRoot[NTuple_R-like] BEAMS: 2212 BEAM_ENERGIES: 3500 SCALE_VARIATIONS: 4.0* # 7-point scale variations SCALES: VAR{sqr(sqrt(H_T2)-PPerp(p[2])-PPerp(p[3])+MPerp(p[2]+p[3]))/4} EW_SCHEME: 0 WIDTH_SCHEME: Fixed # sin\theta_w -> 0.23 DIPOLES: {ALPHA: 0.03} FINISH_OPTIMIZATION: false PARTICLE_DATA: 13: {Massive: true} 15: {Massive: true} PROCESSES: # The subtracted real emission piece - 93 93 -> 90 91 93: Order: {QCD: 1, EW: 2} NLO_Order: {QCD: 1, EW: 0} NLO_Mode: Fixed_Order NLO_Part: RS Integration_Error: 0.0275 SELECTORS: - FastjetFinder: Algorithm: antikt N: 1 PTMin: 20 ETMin: 0 DR: 0.4 RIVET: --analyses: ATLAS_2012_I1083318 USE_HEPMC_SHORT: 1 --ignore-beams: 1