# collider setup BEAMS: 2212 BEAM_ENERGIES: 6500 # ME-Generator settings ME_GENERATORS: - Comix COMIX_DEFAULT_GAUGE: 0 # scales MEPS: CORE_SCALE: VAR{0.5*Abs2(p[2]+p[3])} # width 0 for the stable W bosons in the hard matrix element # width 0 for Z boson to preserve SU(2) Ward Identities PARTICLE_DATA: 24: {Width: 0} 23: {Width: 0} WIDTH_SCHEME: Fixed # decay channels & polarization settings HARD_DECAYS: Enabled: true Channels: 24,12,-11: {Status: 2} 24,14,-13: {Status: 2} Pol_Cross_Section: Enabled: true Reference_System: [Lab, COM] # vector boson production process PROCESSES: - 93 93 -> 24 24 93 93: Order: {QCD: 0, EW: 4} # cuts on PROCESSES final state particles SELECTORS: - FastjetSelector: Expression: Mass(p[4]+p[5])>500 Algorithm: antikt N: 2 PTMin: 20.0 EtaMax: 5.0 - FastjetSelector: Expression: abs(Eta(p[4])-Eta(p[5]))>2.5 Algorithm: antikt N: 2 PTMin: 20.0 EtaMax: 5.0