# pp -> instanton # general setting EVENTS: 10000 SCALES: Democratic #MI_HANDLER: None # multiple interaction switch #EVENT_GENERATION_MODE: Weighted #BEAM_REMNANTS: false #Turn off if SHOWER_GENERATOR is None #SHOWER_GENERATOR: None #Set None to turn off all the showers, instanton does not decay #CSS_IS_PT2MIN: 1000000000000 #Set to very large value to disable all the showers except the instanton decay #CSS_FS_PT2MIN: 1000000000000 #Set to very large value to disable all the showers except the instanton decay #FRAGMENTATION: Off #FRAGMENTATION: Lund #Hadronization switch #DECAYMODEL: Off BATCH_MODE: 2 #OUTPUT: 8 RANDOM_SEED: 999 INSTANTON_XSECS: [ [ 10.7, 0.99, 0.416, 4.59, 4.922E9], [ 11.4, 1.04, 0.405, 4.68, 3.652E9], [ 13.4, 1.16, 0.382, 4.90, 1.671E9], [ 15.7, 1.31, 0.360, 5.13, 728.9E6], [ 22.9, 1.76, 0.315, 5.44, 85.94E6], [ 29.7, 2.12, 0.293, 6.02, 17.25E6], [ 40.8, 2.72, 0.267, 6.47, 2.121E6], [ 56.1, 3.50, 0.245, 6.92, 229.0E3], [ 61.8, 3.64, 0.223, 7.28, 72.97E3], [ 89.6, 4.98, 0.206, 7.67, 2.733E3], [ 118.0, 6.21, 0.195, 8.25, 235.4 ], [ 174.4, 8.72, 0.180, 8.60, 6.720 ], [ 246.9, 11.76, 0.169, 9.04, 0.284 ], [ 349.9, 15.90, 0.159, 9.49, 0.012 ], [ 496.3, 21.58, 0.150, 9.93, 5.112E-4], [ 704.8, 29.37, 0.142, 10.37, 21.65E-6], [1001.8, 40.07, 0.135, 10.81, 0.9017E-6], [1425.6, 54.83, 0.128, 11.26, 36.45E-9], [2030.6, 75.21, 0.122, 11.70, 1.419E-9], [2895.5, 103.4, 0.117, 12.14, 52.07E-12] ] INSTANTON_NGLUONS_MODIFIER: 1. INSTANTON_SIGMAHAT_MODIFIER: 1. INSTANTON_MIN_MASS: 150. #INSTANTON_MAX_MASS: 20. INSTANTON_ALPHAS_FACTOR: 1 INSTANTON_SCALE_CHOICE: 1/rho #1/rho #shat/N #1/rho is the Herwig default INSTANTON_SCALE_FACTOR: 1. INSTANTON_INCLUDE_QUARKS: 5 INSTANTON_B_PRODUCTION_THRESHOLD: 20. INSTANTON_C_PRODUCTION_THRESHOLD: 100. # collider setup BEAMS: 2212 BEAM_ENERGIES: 6500 FREEZE_PDF_FOR_LOW_Q: 1 # me generator settings ME_SIGNAL_GENERATOR: [Internal] PROCESSES: - 21 21 -> 999: Order: {EW: 0, QCD: Any} #EVENT_OUTPUT: HepMC_GenEvent[../../../../scratch/jinw/Instanton/Sherpa_4f_mass100-noshower-InvRho] #EVENT_OUTPUT: HepMC_GenEvent[../../../../scratch/jinw/Instanton/Sherpa_5f_mass150_wMPI-InvRho] #HEPMC_USE_NAMED_WEIGHTS: 1 #ANALYSIS: Rivet #RIVET: { -a: [MC_INSTANTON, MC_XS] } #RIVET: { -a: [MC_XS] }