#ifndef ATOOLS_Phys_Variations_H
#define ATOOLS_Phys_Variations_H

#include <ostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "ATOOLS/Org/Exception.H"
#include "ATOOLS/Org/Shell_Tools.H"
#include "ATOOLS/Org/Enum_Flags.H"
#include "ATOOLS/Org/Scoped_Settings.H"


namespace PDF { class PDF_Base; }
namespace MODEL { class Running_AlphaS; }
namespace BEAM { class Beam_Spectra_Handler; }

namespace ATOOLS {

  //! Constants to denote various variation sources
  enum class Variations_Source {
    all,     //!< use for total weight retrieval, i.e. the product of the below
    main,    //!< use for everything that is not one of the below
    sudakov  //!< use for weight factors from the reweighting of the Sudakov
             //!< Veto Algorithm, i.e. the reweighting of parton shower
             //!< emissions
  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Variations_Source&);

  enum class Variations_Type { qcd, qcut, custom };
  enum class Variations_Mode { all, nominal_only };
  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Variations_Type&);

  class Variations;
  struct QCD_Variation_Params;
  struct Qcut_Variation_Params;

  extern Variations* s_variations;

  struct ScaleFactorExpansions {
    enum code {
      None            = 0,
      MuF             = 1,
      MuR             = 1<<1,
      SevenPoint      = 1<<2,  // vary independently, but exclude (up,down) and (down,up) variations
      QCUT            = 1<<3

  struct NonfactorizingCoupling {
    enum code {
      WithCustomVariationWeight =
          98, // coupling it is not factorizing, but
              // a custom calculator function for a variation weight is provided
      WithoutCustomVariationWeight =
          99, // coupling is not factorizing, and there is no calculator
              // function for a variation weight provided, i.e. no on-the-fly
              // reweighting can not be done

  struct Qcut_Variation_Params {
    Qcut_Variation_Params(double scale_factor):
    bool IsTrivial() const { return (m_scale_factor == 1.0); }
    std::string Name(Variations_Source source=ATOOLS::Variations_Source::all) const;
    double m_scale_factor;

  //! Initialise and hold all information that is needed for varying input parameters
  class Variations {
    static bool NeedsLHAPDF6Interface();
    static void CheckConsistencyWithBeamSpectra(BEAM::Beam_Spectra_Handler *);

    Variations(Variations_Mode mode=Variations_Mode::all);

    void EnableVariations() { m_enabled = true; }
    void DisableVariations() { m_enabled = false; }

    std::vector<Variations_Type> ManagedVariationTypes() const
      return {Variations_Type::qcd, Variations_Type::qcut};

    typedef std::vector<QCD_Variation_Params *> Parameters_Vector;
    const Parameters_Vector * GetParametersVector() const { return &m_parameters_vector; }
    QCD_Variation_Params& Parameters(size_t i) { return *m_parameters_vector[i]; }
    Qcut_Variation_Params& Qcut_Parameters(size_t i) { return m_qcut_parameters_vector[i]; }
            Variations_Type type=Variations_Type::qcd,
            Variations_Source source=Variations_Source::all) const;
    size_t Size(Variations_Type t=Variations_Type::qcd) const;
    bool HasVariations() const {
      for (const auto t : ManagedVariationTypes())
        if (Size(t) > 0)
          return true;
      return false;
    template <typename Handler>
    void ForEach(Handler h);

    // register and print warnings
    void IncrementOrInitialiseWarningCounter(const std::string name) { m_warnings[name]++; }
    void PrintStatistics(std::ostream &str);

    void ReadDefaults();
    void LoadLHAPDFInterfaceIfNecessary();
    void InitialiseParametersVector();
    void AddParameters(Scoped_Settings&);
    struct PDFs_And_AlphaS {
      PDFs_And_AlphaS(double alphasmz);
      PDFs_And_AlphaS(std::string pdfname, int pdfmember, int beammask,
                      int alphasbeam);
      std::vector<PDF::PDF_Base *> m_pdfs;
      MODEL::Running_AlphaS *p_alphas;
      int m_shoulddeletepdfmask {0};
      bool m_shoulddeletealphas {false};
    struct PDFs_And_AlphaS_List {
      std::vector<PDFs_And_AlphaS> items;
      bool did_expand {false};
    void AddParameterExpandingScaleFactors(std::vector<std::string> scalestringparams,
    void AddParameters(double, double,
                       int deletepdfmask, bool deletealphas);
    PDFs_And_AlphaS_List PDFsAndAlphaSList(const std::string& pdfstringparam) const;
    PDFs_And_AlphaS_List PDFsAndAlphaSList(std::string pdfstringparam,
                                           bool expandpdf, int beammask,
                                           int alphasbeam) const;

    bool m_enabled;
    Parameters_Vector m_parameters_vector;
    std::vector<Qcut_Variation_Params> m_qcut_parameters_vector;

    //! (name -> counter value) map used to track warnings
    std::map<std::string, unsigned long> m_warnings;

    //! whether the central value should be included when expanding VARIATIONS arguments
    bool m_includecentralvaluevariation;
    //! whether the muR variation factor should be applied to the shower AlphaS scale arguments
    bool m_reweightsplittingalphasscales;
    //! whether the muF variation factor should be applied to the shower PDF scale arguments
    bool m_reweightsplittingpdfsscales;

  template <typename Handler> void Variations::ForEach(Handler h)
    const auto size = Size();
    for (int i {0}; i < size; ++i) {
      h(i, Parameters(i));

  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Variations&);

  class ReweightingFactorHistogram {



    void Fill(std::string, double);
    void Write(std::string filenameaffix);


    typedef std::string EntryKey;
    typedef std::vector<long> EntryNumbers;
    typedef std::pair<double, EntryNumbers> Bin;

    std::vector<EntryKey> m_keys;
    std::vector<Bin> m_bins;

   * Hold a set of input parameters and factors for a single input parameter variation
   * Used as an argument to a reweighting function.
  struct QCD_Variation_Params {
    QCD_Variation_Params(double muR2fac, double muF2fac,
                         bool showermuR2enabled,
                         bool showermuF2enabled,
                         PDF::PDF_Base *pdf1,
                         PDF::PDF_Base *pdf2,
                         MODEL::Running_AlphaS *alphas,
                         int deletepdfmask,
                         bool deletealphas):
      m_muR2fac(muR2fac), m_muF2fac(muF2fac),
      p_pdf1(pdf1), p_pdf2(pdf2), p_alphas(alphas),

    void IncrementOrInitialiseWarningCounter(const std::string name) { m_warnings[name]++; }

    void FillReweightingFactorsHisto(std::string name, double value) { m_rewfachisto.Fill(name, value); }

    bool IsTrivial() const;
    std::string Name(Variations_Source source=ATOOLS::Variations_Source::all) const;

    const double m_muR2fac, m_muF2fac;
    const double m_showermuR2enabled, m_showermuF2enabled;
    //! Pointers to the beam PDFs, which can be NULL for (semi-)leptonic events
    PDF::PDF_Base * const p_pdf1;
    PDF::PDF_Base * const p_pdf2;
    MODEL::Running_AlphaS * const p_alphas;
    //! Set whether the pointers to the PDFs and the AlphaS should be deleted after usage
    const int m_deletepdfmask;
    const bool m_deletealphas;

    //! (name -> counter value) map used to track warnings
    std::map<std::string, unsigned long> m_warnings;
    friend class Variations;
    ReweightingFactorHistogram m_rewfachisto;

  template <typename U>
  std::string GenerateVariationNamePart(std::string tag, U value) {
    return tag + ToString(value);

  bool IsQCDVariationTrivial(
      double muR2fac, double muF2fac,
      PDF::PDF_Base * const pdf1,
      PDF::PDF_Base * const pdf2,
      MODEL::Running_AlphaS * const);


#endif // #ifndef ATOOLS_Phys_Variations_H