from libcpp.string cimport string from cimport map from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libcpp.pair cimport pair from libcpp cimport bool cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/Version.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef string version() cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/Paths.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef vector[string] paths() cdef void setPaths(vector[string]) cdef void pathsPrepend(string) cdef void pathsAppend(string) cdef vector[string] availablePDFSets() cdef string findFile(string) # cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/PDF.h" namespace "LHAPDF::PIDs": # ctypedef enum PIDCode: # GLUON, DOWN, UP, STRANGE, CHARM, BOTTOM, TOP cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/PDF.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef cppclass PDF: double xfxQ(int, double, double) except + double xfxQ2(int, double, double) except + map[int,double] xfxQ(double, double) except + map[int,double] xfxQ2(double, double) except + double alphasQ(double) except + double alphasQ2(double) except + double xMin() double xMax() double q2Min() double q2Max() bool inRangeX(double) except + bool inRangeQ(double) except + bool inRangeQ2(double) except + bool inRangeXQ(double, double) except + bool inRangeXQ2(double, double) except + bool hasFlavor(int) except + vector[int] flavors() int memberID() except + int lhapdfID() except + string description() except + string type() except + int orderQCD() except + double quarkMass(int) except + double quarkThreshold(int) except + void _print "print" () except + # TODO: add the second (verbosity) argument PDFSet& set() # TODO: add exception when bug in ref rtn fns is gone PDFInfo& info() # TODO: add exception when bug in ref rtn fns is gone const AlphaS& alphaS() # TODO: add exception when bug in ref rtn fns is gone cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/Info.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef cppclass Info: bool has_key(string) bool has_key_local(string) string get_entry(string) except + string get_entry(string, string) except + void set_entry(string, string) cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/Config.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef cppclass Config(Info.Info): pass cdef int verbosity() cdef void setVerbosity(int) cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/PDFSet.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef cppclass PDFSet(Info.Info): vector[PDF*] mkPDFs() PDF* mkPDF(int) size_t size() except + size_t errSize() except + string name() except + string description() int lhapdfID() except + int dataversion() except + void _print "print" () except + # TODO: map the second (verbosity) argument string errorType() except + PDFErrInfo errorInfo() except + double errorConfLevel() except + PDFUncertainty uncertainty(vector[double]&, double, bool) except + #void uncertainty(PDFUncertainty&, vector[double]&, double, bool) except + double correlation(vector[double]&, vector[double]&) except + double randomValueFromHessian(vector[double]&, vector[double]&, bool) except + void _checkPdfType(vector[string]&) except + cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/AlphaS.h" namespace "LHAPDF::AlphaS": ctypedef enum FlavorScheme: FIXED, VARIABLE cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/AlphaS.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef cppclass AlphaS: string type() except + double alphasQ(double q) except + double alphasQ2(double q2) except + int numFlavorsQ(double q) except + int numFlavorsQ2(double q2) except + double quarkMass(int id) except + void setQuarkMass(int id, double value) except + double quarkThreshold(int id) except + void setQuarkThreshold(int id, double val) except + int orderQCD() except + void setOrderQCD(int order) except + void setMZ(double mz) except + void setAlphaSMZ(double alphas) except + void setLambda(unsigned int, double) except + void setFlavorScheme(FlavorScheme scheme, int nf) except + FlavorScheme flavorScheme() except + # void setFlavorScheme(int scheme, int nf) except + # int flavorScheme() except + cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/PDFSet.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef struct PDFUncertainty: double central double errplus double errminus double errsymm double scale double errplus_pdf double errminus_pdf double errsymm_pdf double errplus_par double errminus_par double errsymm_par double err_par #< deprecated, remove vector[pair[double,double]] errparts cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/PDFSet.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef struct PDFErrInfo: vector[vector[pair[string,size_t]]] qparts double conflevel string errtype string coreType() string qpartName(size_t iq) vector[string] qpartNames() size_t nmemCore() size_t nmemPar() cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/PDFInfo.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef cppclass PDFInfo(Info.Info): pass #bool has_key(string) cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/Factories.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef Info& getConfig() #except + # TODO: re-enable when Cython refs+exceptions has been bugfixed cdef PDFSet& getPDFSet(string) #except + # TODO: re-enable when Cython refs+exceptions has been bugfixed cdef vector[PDF*] mkPDFs(string) except + cdef PDF* mkPDF(string) except + cdef PDF* mkPDF(string, int) except + cdef PDF* mkPDF(int) except + cdef AlphaS* mkAlphaS(string) except + cdef AlphaS* mkAlphaS(int) except + cdef AlphaS* mkAlphaS(string, int) except + cdef AlphaS* mkBareAlphaS(string) except + cdef extern from "../../include/LHAPDF/Reweighting.h" namespace "LHAPDF": cdef double weightxQ2(int id, double x, double Q2, PDF& basepdf, PDF& newpdf, double aschk) cdef double weightxQ(int id, double x, double Q, const PDF& basepdf, const PDF& newpdf, double aschk) cdef double weightxxQ2(int id1, int id2, double x1, double x2, double Q2, const PDF& basepdf, const PDF& newpdf, double aschk) cdef double weightxxQ(int id1, int id2, double x1, double x2, double Q, const PDF& basepdf, const PDF& newpdf, double aschk)